“I can excuse misogyny and racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty!” - this thread
You must be on the spectrum lil bro, there’s certain s*** nobody should have to explain to you past a certain age
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
You not lying at all
Astaghfurillah, someone needs to tell him about the Hadith which recounts that Mohamed awoke from a nap with his cat sleeping on the sleeve of his robe. He cut off the sleeve rather than disturb his cat. Alhamdulillah
His brain is like 1 inch wide give him a break where he’s from they do this everyday prolly
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up
deadass lol white people s***
who mentioned serial animal abusers? either way, a lot of people from the eastern hemisphere also discipline their children like that as well, but does that make it right? ofc not. both are considered abuse and could have negative impact on their mental state
Yes that makes it right you softened up room temperature butter ass characters
mfs eat a medium rare steak for dinner and come home and get mad at hasbulla for slapping a cat you can’t make this up