  • May 9, 2020
    1 reply

    oh god the white chick who always wears the hat is so annoying

    Haven’t seen the new episode but didn’t the first make it seem like they don’t want Rachelle (chick with glasses) to be the “Main star” like she was in the movie?

  • proper 🔩
    May 9, 2020
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    Haven’t seen the new episode but didn’t the first make it seem like they don’t want Rachelle (chick with glasses) to be the “Main star” like she was in the movie?

    haven’t seen the movie tbh. maybe I watch today.

    half of ep 2 was about the chick w glasses tho. I thought she wasn’t gonna be a main character after episode one but I think she is lol.

  • proper

    haven’t seen the movie tbh. maybe I watch today.

    half of ep 2 was about the chick w glasses tho. I thought she wasn’t gonna be a main character after episode one but I think she is lol.

    Yeah bro the movie basically based around her mostly with her friends featured. Nina (annoying white chick) was in it a lot too tho.

    Kinda seems like with the show they wanna shift the spotlight to others maybe so it’s not one sided?

  • May 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Man I really wanna love this show because I loved Skate Kitchen. The crew all have interesting personalities and dynamics to them. Personally I think Indigo look is fire

    But it suffers from terrible acting and meh writing. Like for one the white b**** is the worse actress on here, I get she has the biggest personality out the group but she comes off so forced. And then the chick with the camera is pretty bad at acting too. Like obviously they have chemistry IRL cus they all real life friends but in the show it deadass look so awkward watching them converse with each other

  • May 12, 2020
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    Man I really wanna love this show because I loved Skate Kitchen. The crew all have interesting personalities and dynamics to them. Personally I think Indigo look is fire

    But it suffers from terrible acting and meh writing. Like for one the white b**** is the worse actress on here, I get she has the biggest personality out the group but she comes off so forced. And then the chick with the camera is pretty bad at acting too. Like obviously they have chemistry IRL cus they all real life friends but in the show it deadass look so awkward watching them converse with each other

    —good actors
    —good skaters

    pick one

  • MVP Pinhead

    —good actors
    —good skaters

    pick one

    Never said they have to be good. The chick who plays Camille isn’t necessarily a good actor, she just isn’t terrible like some the others

  • May 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Finally caught the first episode last night.

    I'm in love the loose feel of it. Plot isn't super strong, seems a lot like the monvie in that it's more interested in just hanging around with the characters.

    At the same time only the two white girls got a chance to shine in this episode imo, but I guess there's only so much they could do in 30 mins. I hope they actually give the darkskin chick stuff to do or say at some point

  • proper 🔩
    May 17, 2020
    2 replies

    these characters are all so cringe

    I don’t think it’s gonna get any better than what we’ve seen but I’ll still watch cause i got nothing better to do anyways

    also was that Adam Sandler daughter in uncut gems?

  • proper

    these characters are all so cringe

    I don’t think it’s gonna get any better than what we’ve seen but I’ll still watch cause i got nothing better to do anyways

    also was that Adam Sandler daughter in uncut gems?

    It sure is I love her 😍 💕

  • May 18, 2020
    1 reply

    these characters are all so cringe

    I don’t think it’s gonna get any better than what we’ve seen but I’ll still watch cause i got nothing better to do anyways

    also was that Adam Sandler daughter in uncut gems?

    Lmaooo Bro I still can’t get over how terrible the white b**** is at acting.

    Does she also sound like she’s trying too hard to come across like she’s high?

    “Oh hell no bro I’m not wit dat s*** let’s go get that b**** f*** outta here”

  • “You think people are tryna smoke pizza?”

  • yvl nightingale

    Finally caught the first episode last night.

    I'm in love the loose feel of it. Plot isn't super strong, seems a lot like the monvie in that it's more interested in just hanging around with the characters.

    At the same time only the two white girls got a chance to shine in this episode imo, but I guess there's only so much they could do in 30 mins. I hope they actually give the darkskin chick stuff to do or say at some point

    What two white girls? I know one you talking wears the backwards hat. The other you mean the one with the glasses? If so she Spanish

  • proper 🔩
    May 18, 2020
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    Lmaooo Bro I still can’t get over how terrible the white b**** is at acting.

    Does she also sound like she’s trying too hard to come across like she’s high?

    “Oh hell no bro I’m not wit dat s*** let’s go get that b**** f*** outta here”

    yooo the way she delivered that line was so bad

    And what you said is 100% my problem w her acting

  • May 19, 2020

    The acting is trash in this

  • proper 🔩
    May 23, 2020

    god she’s still so corny/annoying

  • proper 🔩
    May 23, 2020

    damn and her character trash

  • proper 🔩
    May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    these girls really aren’t that smart :

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    these girls really aren’t that smart :

    Lmao they constantly losing s***

    Idk man if the acting was better this show would be dope

    Did you see the movie? The movie is actually dope I think because it focuses more on Camille which makes sense since she’s the better actor outta the girls and then Janay comes in second. In the movie the white girl was extra but not like the role they giving her now. Everything was a lot more toned down and subtle and was more focused on Camille being shy tryna fit in with this new group amongst s*** that’s out of her element while dealing with a mom that hates her passion.

    I think in the show they trying too hard to give everyone else bigger roles and show off they personality they should of just continued where the movie left off.

  • Damn this s*** got a 95% on rotten tomatoes

  • proper 🔩
    May 23, 2020
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    Lmao they constantly losing s***

    Idk man if the acting was better this show would be dope

    Did you see the movie? The movie is actually dope I think because it focuses more on Camille which makes sense since she’s the better actor outta the girls and then Janay comes in second. In the movie the white girl was extra but not like the role they giving her now. Everything was a lot more toned down and subtle and was more focused on Camille being shy tryna fit in with this new group amongst s*** that’s out of her element while dealing with a mom that hates her passion.

    I think in the show they trying too hard to give everyone else bigger roles and show off they personality they should of just continued where the movie left off.

    when the chick w the canceled boyfriend was like “I know she’s telling the truth.. because he did the same thing to me” I was like

    so she knew from the very beginning that her bf had rapey tendencies she ain’t even have to confront that Mexican chick

  • proper

    when the chick w the canceled boyfriend was like “I know she’s telling the truth.. because he did the same thing to me” I was like

    so she knew from the very beginning that her bf had rapey tendencies she ain’t even have to confront that Mexican chick

    I know bro. That’s just poor writing. Like she deadass went on a mission on her birthday just to end up in jail over some rapey type nigga

  • May 23, 2020
    1 reply

    when the chick w the canceled boyfriend was like “I know she’s telling the truth.. because he did the same thing to me” I was like

    so she knew from the very beginning that her bf had rapey tendencies she ain’t even have to confront that Mexican chick

    Bro would you f*** Camille? Or any of these chicks

  • proper 🔩
    May 23, 2020
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    Bro would you f*** Camille? Or any of these chicks

    Bro this question lolll

    tbh Camille kinda cute in her own way.

    but the rest of the cast

    her gf in the show tho

    also the chick w the big ass braids and bleached eyebrows when she isn’t looking all crazy like that is actually beautiful

  • proper

    Bro this question lolll

    tbh Camille kinda cute in her own way.

    but the rest of the cast

    her gf in the show tho

    also the chick w the big ass braids and bleached eyebrows when she isn’t looking all crazy like that is actually beautiful

    Bro her and Honeybear or whatever her name is prolly the only ones I wouldn’t smash

    Like you said Camille is deadass cute in her own little weird way

    Indigo (the bleached eyebrows) looks good but she lowkey look hairy

    The twins prolly the baddest ones on the show bro

    Janay is cute too she just got a big mouth

    And the b**** from uncut gems but I been on her when everyone was sleeping and only hyping Julia Fox

  • May 29, 2020

    Binged the first 4 episodes on HBO Max and I'm really f***ing with it

    It's not anything groundbreaking but I love the vibe