Rhaenys is not making it out the gullet, im just guessing that now
she's been too good in this episode
See yall in 2 years for season 2
No you won’t
ordered it last week it's sitting on the desk right now waiting to get opened up
Thats how it ends? Foh man they shouldve killed at least one green.
First szn of HOTD felt like the the bad part of later szns of GOT because of how rushed they told the story but it manages to pull it off much better. 7/10
Season 2 will let much better paced for sure
actually not sure how big drogon is compared to the other dragons at the end of thrones
this show f***s
Can’t believe he’s stuck on the eye thing when he has the biggest dragon
An eye for an eye
Any details on what aemond eye is? I’m assuming glass but not sure
it’s a sapphire
Otto shouldve died
Nyra's kids feel more and more like wastemen compared to Alicent's every time I see Jacerys man
Any details on what aemond eye is? I’m assuming glass but not sure