why does baela not have a single line of dialogue
she’s one of the most important characters of the dance and they’re making her a glorified extra
feels very racially motivated
Alicient still has a kid that wont show up this szn lol
The Nyra-Daemon scene does a wonderful job of displaying how the Long Night became a progressively realer reality.
Alicient still has a kid that wont show up this szn lol
i think it’d so hilarious that they havent even mentioned him
it’s gonna be such a campy sitcom moment next szn when they’re like "this is our brother, he’s just been studying abroad"
that cgi got ugly for a minute looked like a 60s godzilla movie
Bruh were any dragons that big in got
Bruh were any dragons that big in got
Nope, Dany’s dragons were babies compared to these ones
i think it’d so hilarious that they havent even mentioned him
it’s gonna be such a campy sitcom moment next szn when they’re like "this is our brother, he’s just been studying abroad"
Potential book spoilers
is he the one with the special dragon? Vaguely remember reading he had like a golden dragon that was the most powerful but not sure if it’s him or not
What a season
They really went 10/10
F*** the haters
Nope, Dany’s dragons were babies compared to these ones
only compared to the one Aemond is riding.
pretty sure Drogon would be third biggest
What a season
They really went 10/10
F*** the haters
Better than the OG series for sure
Potential book spoilers
is he the one with the special dragon? Vaguely remember reading he had like a golden dragon that was the most powerful but not sure if it’s him or not
what character are y'all talking about
No way
First szn of HOTD felt like the the bad part of later szns of GOT because of how rushed they told the story but it manages to pull it off much better. 7/10
Now I'll start reading the book
Now I'll start reading the book
No you won’t