  • Sep 3, 2023
    5 replies
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    Look at you starting s***

    I still remember the shambles and excuse making that occurred when HNVM's fw sales dropped after Drake stans spent a whole month clowning MMTBS's fw sales.

  • Sep 3, 2023
    1 reply

    I still remember the shambles and excuse making that occurred when HNVM's fw sales dropped after Drake stans spent a whole month clowning MMTBS's fw sales.

    Selling under 300k after a 5yr break is actually embarrassing

  • Sep 3, 2023
    Og Juan

    Selling under 300k after a 5yr break is actually embarrassing

    Keep moving those goalposts

  • Sep 3, 2023

    I still remember the shambles and excuse making that occurred when HNVM's fw sales dropped after Drake stans spent a whole month clowning MMTBS's fw sales.

    Bumping this for zero reason should be a mute

  • Bobby_96

    I still remember the shambles and excuse making that occurred when HNVM's fw sales dropped after Drake stans spent a whole month clowning MMTBS's fw sales.

    Kendrick stans so f***ing pathetic, man lol.

  • Bobby_96

    I still remember the shambles and excuse making that occurred when HNVM's fw sales dropped after Drake stans spent a whole month clowning MMTBS's fw sales.

    comparing a surprise dance album to dot’s album after a 5 year hiatus is a level of nasty that I didn’t even think was possible

  • Bobby_96

    I still remember the shambles and excuse making that occurred when HNVM's fw sales dropped after Drake stans spent a whole month clowning MMTBS's fw sales.

    The midget’s album was s***?

  • Ahhh……CLB……..sleeper

  • Sep 5, 2023
    Bernie X

    Congratulations to drakes fans on all the money they’re going to make from these sales

  • Sep 5, 2023
    1 reply

    popularity as a person you're right Kanye is #2 maybe even #1 but streams there's no way you can argue he's even top 10

    i don't even think Kanye is a top 10 streamed artist over the last 5 years, his music's just a bit dated for the public now. but he'll always have insane hype every drop

  • Sep 5, 2023
    1 reply

    where's the lies bruv
    kanye was like the 15th most streamed artist of 2022 or some s***

  • Sep 5, 2023
    1 reply

    where's the lies bruv
    kanye was like the 15th most streamed artist of 2022 or some s***

    "his music's just a bit dated for the public now."

    but its ok, you're taking L's with almost everything

  • Sep 5, 2023

    "his music's just a bit dated for the public now."

    but its ok, you're taking L's with almost everything

    I was talkin bout his new music lmao, not his old stuff

    he hasnt had a hit album in a long ass time now

  • innuendo

    the only numbers drake fans choose to ignore

    yeah i did always find it odd how sales make an album good/bad but critic scores are disregarded

    strange sort of cherry picking if you’re gonna use numbers to argue for an album’s quality, but das just me though