Between this and your post above it you’re confused. Kanye’s first day was 95M streams and Drake’s 2nd day was 90M. Not to mention the absolute blowout of the first day. Idk what your rationale is for Kanye having “won”.
And for the product that lasts longer, what do you think is gonna happen? Look back on the numbers historically. Overall, Drake sells more even as time goes on so people obviously continue consuming the music well after the first week or even year. He continually gets more streams and even in the years where he doesn’t drop an album he is still the most listened to rappers (and one of the most listened to artists in general) on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc. He has the most songs with over 100 million streams, most songs with over a billion, the list doesn’t really end.
His older albums and songs continue to chart and get certifications, he’s the most streamed artist of all time, the longest running on the billboard, he sells more than any other hip hop artist even outside of first week, his songs spend more time at the top of the charts, whatever metric of consumption you want to look at, he is still number one in that category and still consistently the most listened to hip hop artist there is. And has been for years.
So neither of your points make any sense. Idk why you’re so wrapped up in this war when the extent of your involvement in it will never equate to more than being a fanboy cheerleading online for your hero.
The only reason Kanye fans are so up in arms now is because the one thing Kanye’s always had is being the critical darling. For whatever reason that’s been the most important thing to a lot of his fans even though a lot of it is nothing more than out of touch white people writing the reviews they think they’re supposed to. But he hasn’t had that on his last few at bats and Kendrick is pretty clearly taking that spot. So now they’re trying to find other ways to show that he still “wins”.
With all that being said, if you like Kanye more, that’s absolutely fine. Donda has some great stuff on it too and Kanye obviously has a great discography. Keep listening to what you like. But even with you moving the goalposts for what you define as “winning” you're still not even accomplishing that.
Drake and Kanye have both shown a ton of longevity. They’re both great artists. You can like and listen to both without being delusional about the state of the game. If Kanye isn’t getting the glowing critical reviews anymore but is still top 3 or top 5 in sales (let’s be honest, Kendrick is beating Kanye and possibly drake too and lil baby will probably do well his next go round) and you still enjoy the music who the f*** cares? There can only be one number 1 but that doesn’t mean you can’t still like or listen to other people or enjoy them more.
kanye randomly dropped on sunday out of the blue
by the time monday rolled around was when everyone fully realized it dropped
plus there was the forced dababy controversy with the song added on a day later
stop making excuses
Nah cause Monday people stream on their commutes.
Theres always a 2nd day 3rd day drop on the weekend
This isn't true. I was trying to explain to you ass yesterday but you was busy acting like you knew what you was saying instead of listening.
stop making excuses
donda dropped from 105 m to like 69 m in its third day
that second day bump was definitely real for it
CLB gonna be the bigger album in the end
donda dropped from 105 m to like 69 m in its third day
that second day bump was definitely real for it
CLB gonna be the bigger album in the end
39% drop
Wait how much did clb drop
Would you look at that
Albums that debut high have a big drop on the real second day
Would you look at that
Albums that debut high have a big drop on the real second day
But both albums debuted high?
donda dropped from 105 m to like 69 m in its third day
that second day bump was definitely real for it
CLB gonna be the bigger album in the end
is there anyone who actually believes CLB is not the bigger album despite literally being smaller in duration?
i can't tell if people are desperate or special needs anymore
clb still outstreamed donda’s first 3 days with its first day
second day basically matched donda’s first and outstreamed the third
dondler stans jumping through hoops
Haha idk why KTT disparages long responses so much. It’s a music discussion forum.
you a real one bro. that's what the original purpose of forums are
clb still outstreamed donda’s first 3 days with its first day
second day basically matched donda’s first and outstreamed the third
dondler stans jumping through hoops
I don’t think this is true
clb still outstreamed donda’s first 3 days with its first day
second day basically matched donda’s first and outstreamed the third
dondler stans jumping through hoops
No it didn't.
clb still outstreamed donda’s first 3 days with its first day
second day basically matched donda’s first and outstreamed the third
dondler stans jumping through hoops
Why you lying
you a real one bro. that's what the original purpose of forums are
I appreciate it! KTT1 was like that too. You go over 3 sentences and everyone just clowns you for it haha.
CLB only got streamed 89 million times on second day..
Donda second day …
40% drop in 24 hours😬
clb still outstreamed donda’s first 3 days with its first day
second day basically matched donda’s first and outstreamed the third
dondler stans jumping through hoops
Math is too hard it seems
Kanye had 3 live shows and delays for the hype
“Random Sunday drop” man after his third show it was literally confirmed dropping that weekend