Ye stans lost lmao go put yall red caps on racists
You acting like we didn’t see how y’all CLB drake stans acted during the election
Let’s put up an average salary poll in each section with W2 verification required
“ we understand drake more because we are rich “ sure it’s not vicariously living through him?
Let’s put up an average salary poll in each section with W2 verification required
It’s a cute dog bro that’s all you got?
I want to see the W2s b****!!
how are y’all still going
Music section needs cleaning up bro.
This shut about to last two more weeks too
Feel like I've been here before, huh?
I still got ten years to go, huh?
And this is the only sound you should fear
Man, these kids wear crowns over here and everything is all right
Music section needs cleaning up bro.
This shut about to last two more weeks too
yea I’ve been trying
gonna give it another day or two for people to get it all out then I’m just gonna go blanket no stan wars/stan wars baiting u til people get the message
I want to see the W2s b****!!
What kind of request is this even, you think ktt users going to dox themselves to prove their salaries to you?
What kind of request is this even, you think ktt users going to dox themselves to prove their salaries to you?
Redact the name!!!!!!!! Or give me your identity!!
yea I’ve been trying
gonna give it another day or two for people to get it all out then I’m just gonna go blanket no stan wars/stan wars baiting u til people get the message
I’m coming in the Drake section just to talk s***? When did I do that
Oop, sorry thought you were Seyman or whatever his name is. I haven’t seen you in a bunch of threads stirring up s*** as far as I can remember.
6x drake
I appreciate it! KTT1 was like that too. You go over 3 sentences and everyone just clowns you for it haha.
Using more words means you have less intelligence these days apparently
To all my drizzy fans, realize they have an album to listen to for weeks now and they spend more time coming itt to s*** on us “spreadsheet boys” cUz ThEy NeVeR cArE aBoUt ThE nUmBeRs 🥸 donda dropped significantly in its first 2nd full day of streaming.. we already have bigger first weekend.. we already won.. leave the bait.. they just pissed they only like 10/24 songs.. we got an album most of us like, fuggem
To all my drizzy fans, realize they have an album to listen to for weeks now and they spend more time coming itt to s*** on us “spreadsheet boys” cUz ThEy NeVeR cArE aBoUt ThE nUmBeRs 🥸 donda dropped significantly in its first 2nd full day of streaming.. we already have bigger first weekend.. we already won.. leave the bait.. they just pissed they only like 10/24 songs.. we got an album most of us like, fuggem
When your album is good enough to not have to worry if another one is better is when you know
To all my drizzy fans, realize they have an album to listen to for weeks now and they spend more time coming itt to s*** on us “spreadsheet boys” cUz ThEy NeVeR cArE aBoUt ThE nUmBeRs 🥸 donda dropped significantly in its first 2nd full day of streaming.. we already have bigger first weekend.. we already won.. leave the bait.. they just pissed they only like 10/24 songs.. we got an album most of us like, fuggem