  • Apr 30, 2022
    The Darkest Angel

    A Gangsters Pain was huge last year it literally sold more than Donda and The Off Season but no one on here really talked about it. I think we really are losing touch. Rod Wave's album was bigger than all 3

    KTT has been out of touch for about a year now it’s crazy

  • Apr 30, 2022

    Bro Blinding Lights is one of the biggest songs of all time of course it does, that doesn’t mean people aren’t listening to Dawn FM

    Even One Right Now has more daily streams

    There's none of the Dawn FM songs in the top 200 global daily sterams

  • Apr 30, 2022

    Dawn has racked up a billion+ streams already, DS4 still hasn’t

    Ds4 has more overall sales king

  • Apr 30, 2022

    All time or 2022 alone? assuming all time, That counts prerelease singles like Take My Breath that been out since August. But anyways, Spotify just one platform. Gunna beating in total units first week and overall

    (Off topic though)

  • The Darkest Angel

    A Gangsters Pain was huge last year it literally sold more than Donda and The Off Season but no one on here really talked about it. I think we really are losing touch. Rod Wave's album was bigger than all 3

    I made a thread about this last year!!!

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply

    People aren’t exhausted of Abel at all lmao, Dawn FM has been outperforming DS4 in every metric past the first week

    It hasn’t

  • Apr 30, 2022
    2 replies

    He’s consistently been in the Top 3, this is the first week in months where he’s been below that lol

    How much of this is because of After Hours and The Highlights? Someone check the Spotify global charts and see how many Dawn FM songs are charting

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply

    What's the most amount of albums a person can buy before they stop counting for first week

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply

    People aren’t exhausted of Abel at all lmao, Dawn FM has been outperforming DS4 in every metric past the first week

    What metrics lmao DS4 ahead in album units by like 200K and outsold DawnFm every week except the 4th week (week Abel shipped physicals)

  • Apr 30, 2022
    2 replies

    Weeknd is a pop artist now, pop doesn’t benefit from streaming first week numbers half as much as hip-hop does (besides the few exceptions).

    Even Bieber’s last album only did 154K first week, but it was one of the biggest albums of 2021 by year’s end. And Ed Sheeran’s newest album only did 118K first week, but he’s still one of the biggest artists in the world.

    Pop benefits mostly off of physical and merch sales, but because of Billboard changing its’ rules, they don’t count towards first week numbers because they don’t count until the week that they ship now, and Weeknd didn’t have any physicals or merch shipping first week with Dawn FM.

    Dawn FM and DS4Ever dropped on the same day, and although Gunna outsold Weeknd in the first week, Dawn passed a billion Spotify streams last month and DS4 still hasn’t. Pop is about the long game, not the first week numbers.

    I mean so whats crazy to me now how low the album is in the charts now

    #31 as of last charts release, with DS4 way ahead of it at #9 (also My Turn, that Ed Sheeran album u mentioned, Doja Cat, lots of really old albums of various genres and even Misterious music ambassador Tyler the creator)

  • Apr 30, 2022
    The Darkest Angel

    How much of this is because of After Hours and The Highlights? Someone check the Spotify global charts and see how many Dawn FM songs are charting

    It doesn’t matter lol

  • Apr 30, 2022
    2 replies

    He’s consistently been in the Top 3, this is the first week in months where he’s been below that lol

    This is Weeknd the artist lmao, we comparing DS4 and DawnFM. But even still this is just one platform, and worldwide (album sale total units is US only)


    It hasn’t

    You posted receipts. I almost believed him

  • Apr 30, 2022

    I mean so whats crazy to me now how low the album is in the charts now

    #31 as of last charts release, with DS4 way ahead of it at #9 (also My Turn, that Ed Sheeran album u mentioned, Doja Cat, lots of really old albums of various genres and even Misterious music ambassador Tyler the creator)

    Because there’s no big hit on it and the album as a whole isn’t being streamed enough to bring it up

    Whereas hella people are still steaming BL/SYT daily

  • Apr 30, 2022
    The Darkest Angel

    How much of this is because of After Hours and The Highlights? Someone check the Spotify global charts and see how many Dawn FM songs are charting

    He has 7 songs charting but none of them are from Dawn FM

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply
    martian master

    This is Weeknd the artist lmao, we comparing DS4 and DawnFM. But even still this is just one platform, and worldwide (album sale total units is US only)

    Abel Stan’s with the cope using one platform but not looking at overall sales they not looking at overall sales s/o @REACTIVE with the source

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply
    martian master

    This is Weeknd the artist lmao, we comparing DS4 and DawnFM. But even still this is just one platform, and worldwide (album sale total units is US only)

    That’s not what I was replying to, I was replying to the person saying people got tired of listening to The Weeknd

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply
    martian master

    What metrics lmao DS4 ahead in album units by like 200K and outsold DawnFm every week except the 4th week (week Abel shipped physicals)

    I stand corrected.

    Physicals are shipping now though so Dawn will perform good in the coming weeks and months and will for sure be platinum before the end of the year

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply

    I mean so whats crazy to me now how low the album is in the charts now

    #31 as of last charts release, with DS4 way ahead of it at #9 (also My Turn, that Ed Sheeran album u mentioned, Doja Cat, lots of really old albums of various genres and even Misterious music ambassador Tyler the creator)

    The Billion spotify streams count streams from pre release singles. Take My breath been out since Aug '21 and moth to a flame was like October. Those streams previous count too. Weeknd album is like 200K album units behind Gunna, even after shipping physicals

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply

    People aren’t exhausted of Abel at all lmao, Dawn FM has been outperforming DS4 in every metric past the first week

    We prove you wrong every thread.

  • Apr 30, 2022

    Abel Stan’s with the cope using one platform but not looking at overall sales they not looking at overall sales s/o @REACTIVE with the source

    I know reading isn’t your strong suit but it wouldn’t hurt to use context clues a little more

  • Tomorrow

    That’s not what I was replying to, I was replying to the person saying people got tired of listening to The Weeknd

    My apologies king

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply
    martian master

    The Billion spotify streams count streams from pre release singles. Take My breath been out since Aug '21 and moth to a flame was like October. Those streams previous count too. Weeknd album is like 200K album units behind Gunna, even after shipping physicals

    Damn so this nigga tried to decieved me with no providing context to that
