We prove you wrong every thread.
Wrong. I’ve proved you wrong in every argument we’ve had
I stand corrected.
Physicals are shipping now though so Dawn will perform good in the coming weeks and months and will for sure be platinum before the end of the year
He shipped Physicals 4th week, are you saying hes shipping additional physicals? Even still, Gunna is ahead of him and has a solid lead. Don't see Weeknd catching up
What's the most amount of albums a person can buy before they stop counting for first week
I think 4.
He shipped Physicals 4th week, are you saying hes shipping additional physicals? Even still, Gunna is ahead of him and has a solid lead. Don't see Weeknd catching up
He shipped CDs fourth week, vinyls just started shipping a couple days ago
He shipped CDs fourth week, vinyls just started shipping a couple days ago
Gotcha gotcha
I think 4.
If you use 2 credit cards you can get around it word to the barbs
He shipped CDs fourth week, vinyls just started shipping a couple days ago
Man it sucks that physicals and vinyl take a while to ship lol
Damn so this nigga tried to decieved me with no providing context to that
I wasn’t tryna deceive, when I saw the tweet from chart data last month that it had passed a billion I had assumed it was 2022 because they didn’t put it into context
Does it matter if it's digital or physical
You might be able to slide with 8 if you do both but honestly I don’t know how they might separate it
Weeknd is a pop artist now, pop doesn’t benefit from streaming first week numbers half as much as hip-hop does (besides the few exceptions).
Even Bieber’s last album only did 154K first week, but it was one of the biggest albums of 2021 by year’s end. And Ed Sheeran’s newest album only did 118K first week, but he’s still one of the biggest artists in the world.
Pop benefits mostly off of physical and merch sales, but because of Billboard changing its’ rules, they don’t count towards first week numbers because they don’t count until the week that they ship now, and Weeknd didn’t have any physicals or merch shipping first week with Dawn FM.
Dawn FM and DS4Ever dropped on the same day, and although Gunna outsold Weeknd in the first week, Dawn passed a billion Spotify streams last month and DS4 still hasn’t. Pop is about the long game, not the first week numbers.
Aht Aht, dawnfm hasnt surpassed DS4 in anything on american charts @Hndrxx_Free
Man it sucks that physicals and vinyl take a while to ship lol
That's Adele's fault
Another sales thread that becomes a Weeknd sales war
This nigga does more numbers in Ktt2 that with his music
Another sales thread that becomes a Weeknd sales war
This nigga does more numbers in Ktt2 that with his music
What songs are doing the best?
spotify numbers
2.6M - 712PM
2.3M - IM DAT N****
2.3M - IM ON ONE
2.1M - FOR A NUT
I wasn’t tryna deceive, when I saw the tweet from chart data last month that it had passed a billion I had assumed it was 2022 because they didn’t put it into context
Dont worry im playing
Thanks for ur answer explaing things
This man laughing like he ain’t the sole reason for the thread becoming this way lol
Be happy for future mehn. Why everything gotta be a comparison lol.
Bro in his millionth year and selling well.
That’s dope on its own lol.
Billboard really f***ed the game up with that rule change
I wonder what the next sales trick/exploit is gonna be
Billboard really f***ed the game up with that rule change
I wonder what the next sales trick/exploit is gonna be
I’m curious are artists/labels making less money due to this rule change? Or is it adjusted to fit
Because of his older albums
Nobody wants new music from Abel
its cool im here to remind them dawnfm is a flop if they got amnesia
Billboard really f***ed the game up with that rule change
I wonder what the next sales trick/exploit is gonna be
It's annoying that they removed the bundles