no hate but i think that doja album is gunna be on the charts much longer
Not hate at all her albums have legs and usually push big singles post drop like Rihanna s***.
We'll see tho
ima be honest n say Iont get how/y ppl go n look for these things ... if u like it is it s***ty if it sold like 50k
TYLERRRRR LETSSS GO! He did great. Even though she came in 2nd place I still say those are great numbers for Doja
TYLERRRRR LETSSS GO! He did great. Even though she came in 2nd place I still say those are great numbers for Doja
She’s up a ton from her last album, so it’s def a dub for her
She’s up a ton from her last album, so it’s def a dub for her
Yup on a normal week she would’ve went no. 1 but Tyler is Tyler lmao
no hate but i think that doja album is gunna be on the charts much longer
Yeah that’s almost guaranteed. Pop has never been a first week game.
Doja isn’t as big as we think. TikTok and big singles creates the illusion of being big. Tyler fan base is a cult.
We are a cult lol