i like that, am also guilty of not listening to tyler for a long time and then going thru his discog all over again
I think it’s in line with how his music is created. He’s making cohesive albums with maybe a few songs I add to the rotation, and then we go back through em because we get that itch.
It going to make his catalogue more valuable in the long-run because he’s cementing himself as a legacy act in the eyes of labels and streaming services.
Goblin, Cherry Bomb, Flower Boy, Igor, and CMIYGL will be doing consistent numbers because he has a core fan base that will always be streaming them, and there are folks like us that love diving through his whole discography every now and then.
This is actually Doja's 3rd album but I agree
Appreciate the correction! I wasn’t sure if Amala was a studio album or like a “debut studio mixtape” type thing.
It’s still my fav project of hers, at the time it felt so fresh and was a perfect spring/summer project.
I’d just moved to be with my partner and we bumped Amala and Heart Break Kodak all damn year, lots of good memories associated with both of those projects.
I think it’s in line with how his music is created. He’s making cohesive albums with maybe a few songs I add to the rotation, and then we go back through em because we get that itch.
It going to make his catalogue more valuable in the long-run because he’s cementing himself as a legacy act in the eyes of labels and streaming services.
Goblin, Cherry Bomb, Flower Boy, Igor, and CMIYGL will be doing consistent numbers because he has a core fan base that will always be streaming them, and there are folks like us that love diving through his whole discography every now and then.
i think this is unique thinking atm though in the sense that an 'every now and then' listener would add to longevity, do you think tyler 'planting seeds' for lack of a better term in the late 00s/10s was essential for that? i think rn things are more fertile than ever for new sounds but back then people forget there wasn't much of an underground at all
lol tyler selling more pure than Bieber did with his latest album
People can justify spending actual money on a Tyler album
Industry plants lost
Where the plants at? Neither of these two are
Albeit opposite ends of the spectrum
Tyler won. Know people f*** with the album cause the increase or maybe that's from the sales
i think this is unique thinking atm though in the sense that an 'every now and then' listener would add to longevity, do you think tyler 'planting seeds' for lack of a better term in the late 00s/10s was essential for that? i think rn things are more fertile than ever for new sounds but back then people forget there wasn't much of an underground at all
This is a short and decent article about some of the giant legacy acts who joined streaming when they recognized that it really REALLY took off.
Part of the $50M deal future got was to keep his back catalogue because his label sees him as a legacy act by the current metrics.
I don’t know if it was essential, like he could have started making music with Flower Boy and maybe he’d be where he is now. But I think it’s unlikely.
He was able to grab a generation of pissed-off confused kids just like himself, grow along with them, and even help them mature, which engenders a real loyalty to an artist. I think him coming out was a phenomenal sign that his base is here to stay, and that some of us had already picked up on it.
I would disagree that there wasn’t much of an underground. Blog era was so much fun. We had the cool kids, main attraktionz, purrp, and tons of others that found a public platform on 2Dopeboyz, Earmilk, Fakeshoredrive, Nahright etc.
Tyler kind of bypassed that era and it’s collapse when they wouldn’t cover him and he s*** on them verbally, which led to his fans congregating on forums. Even making their own and using tumblr and other social media to connect with one another, directly with him, and the rest of the OF crew. We could stay up on releases, news, and form a real community, which blogs didn’t facilitate in the same way.
That allowed him to survive both the transition to streaming and the collapse of the blog era, which I see as a big part of how he got to the position he’s in now. He proved himself and his value as an artist, and now he’s got label, media, and streaming behind him so I only see it going up from here.
Time will tell if his old albums do the numbers to get looked at as a legacy act and I won’t pretend I’m privy to metrics, but I think it’s a strong possibility.
Apologies if there are typos in this post, I’m sick as hell and this NyQuil is beating my ass with a belt 😭
185K will be the highest first week numbers for Tyler and he announced his album a week before it dropped.
Proof that long drawn out rollouts don’t mean s*** anymore
those pure sales are really good for tyler considering the CDs and box sets were only up on his site for like ten minutes before selling out and were never restocked. if he had made more physicals i think he would have matched IGOR's pure sales.
They still count bundles ? I thought they stopped doing that
no, it's a physical album with bonus items vs a shirt + digital download of the album (which is what was banned), pretty big difference between the 2.