KTT2 was created 5 years ago. During this period, only ONE non-beef Hed thread has been created.
Cute attempt though.
Oh you mean noone on this site cares? Fair enough. This beef has definitely made him more visible though, hence naturally people are gonna care more about what he says than they did before
Cos he is connected within the west coast and has been for years. The world is bigger than this site my friend
There was a Cole hate meme from like 2016-2019 but that was long ended and largely seen as corny. He went on that feature run and dropped the offseason and everyone was back loving him again.
This situation single handedly destroyed all the good will he had. Especially since he made being willing to rap against anyone such a big part of his brand.
i just have to disagree with this. Cole has always had a sizabout amount of hate directed to him which has always oscillated in the public eye but never affected his core perception. his standing in terms of sales, skill or discography has always been controversial
Yea he would’ve went out worse
Nah he wouldn’t have. Logic iirc had a battle with Joyner Lucas, who even though he is corny, is a pretty good rapper.
J Cole only really stood on s*** when it was Diggy Simmons and Lil Pump.
No one gives a f*** what DJ Hed has to say unless it's about the beef. Keep milking it Hed
kendrick is such a hateful mfer his fans as well insufferable
Damn there was a time I thought it was damn near impossible for niggas to dislike Kendrick. He’s been one of the most respected sincere likable rappers of all time yet here we are lol.
i just have to disagree with this. Cole has always had a sizabout amount of hate directed to him which has always oscillated in the public eye but never affected his core perception. his standing in terms of sales, skill or discography has always been controversial
I know what you mean but I don’t think it’s really playing that much of a role in how people are taking the whole backing down thing
Damn there was a time I thought it was damn near impossible for niggas to dislike Kendrick. He’s been one of the most respected sincere likable rappers of all time yet here we are lol.
Niggas just mad cause he made their favs look goofy lol
Damn there was a time I thought it was damn near impossible for niggas to dislike Kendrick. He’s been one of the most respected sincere likable rappers of all time yet here we are lol.
Drake stans been hating him since Control
That hate is magnified even more after losing badly to him in the beef
It’s been good to have insight via proxy since most of the movement has been strictly through music as far as the participants go but it’s also a double edged sword where it becomes annoying that virtually anyone can take on that form of someone’s mouthpiece without direct confirmation. Just create a lot of confusion and misinformation in the midst of good info
The thing about the song is we ain't need some lyrical ode to the beef months after the fact lol. You said you're out the way just stay there
Kendrick taking it as a diss is quite dramatic but Cole still a b****
Nah he wouldn’t have. Logic iirc had a battle with Joyner Lucas, who even though he is corny, is a pretty good rapper.
J Cole only really stood on s*** when it was Diggy Simmons and Lil Pump.
It’s not really about standing on s***. It’s about how it’s handled. The difference is that logic doesn’t look up to Joyner Lucas. When logic looks up to people, we get some of the worst music of the decade. We’ve seen J Cole show love to people that dislike him in the past as long as he looks up to them but not to the same degree as logic.
Damn there was a time I thought it was damn near impossible for niggas to dislike Kendrick. He’s been one of the most respected sincere likable rappers of all time yet here we are lol.
These posters never liked Kendrick lol. They're just mad because he's the one that washed the other 2. If Cole or Drake had done it to Kendrick they'd be doing backflips celebrating like they did back then when Mr Morale's performance was literally just slightly below great
Kendrick taking it as a diss is quite dramatic but Cole still a b****
feel the same tbh and to be fair Hed said a couple days ago before he talked to kendrick he thought Dot would just laugh it off like " oh thats how you feel now huh?"
wild that people don't clown kendrick for speaking through dj hed
Cuz DJ hed don't need to speak for nobody lol
One of your main default posts and you never use it in the right context
not true
Cole signed up for this
its not our fault he jumped out the window and then tried to walk it back
I kinda feel like Logic would embrace the challenge and be hyped to prove himself
Logic would just rappity rap fast until everyone gets bored and move on
feel the same tbh and to be fair Hed said a couple days ago before he talked to kendrick he thought Dot would just laugh it off like " oh thats how you feel now huh?"
Yeah he most likely laughing it off. I think Kendrick is smart enough to know the whole diss chapter has closed and it’s time to move on