I smoke weed and the only thing that happened to me that is that I turned gay and hear voices when it's really dark and I'm indoors
Otherwise I'm fine @op, you'll be good. I didn't realize the joys of prostate stimulation until I became a power bottom from hitting the bong
why is the gay part so relatable
Went for that thanksgiving walk and ended up going super paranoid.. haven’t hit it since and I want nothing to do with it no more
Does ur family not approve? I used to get anxious af smoking just cuz I felt like I had to hide it
Prostate health
nah man one night my friend touched my thigh as a joke and I got hard
My mom crazy af and never did one d***. If some s*** got you feeling crazy it’s yo dumbass fault for still doing it. I’m rolling this thread in my spliff in a couple minutes cause this s*** dead
No marijuana can’t CAUSE bipolar disorder but it can enhance pre existing mental health issues
I smoke weed and the only thing that happened to me that is that I turned gay and hear voices when it's really dark and I'm indoors
Otherwise I'm fine @op, you'll be good. I didn't realize the joys of prostate stimulation until I became a power bottom from hitting the bong
Yeah that Coochie Booty strain got a lot of niggas
Bro I would take 60mg addy. Edibles and smoke throughout the day… almost everyday. F*** that life bruh
Biggest problem was taking the addys. Makes your tolerance for weed super high. When I used to take addys a long time ago, weed barely even got me high. Weed is so much better without uppers.
nah man one night my friend touched my thigh as a joke and I got hard
It's all good homie
Sometimes physical intimacy of any kind can be arousing even if it doesn't make you want to have sex. It happens a lot when people get massages, even when heterosexual men get massages from other men. Also happens when people cuddle their pets and even hold their babies sometimes. Mothers even o***** intensely during childbirth sometimes, and get aroused from breastfeeding. Humans are weird and complex crodie
why is the gay part so relatable
People wanna act like weed is harmless but they never wanna talk about the gay episodes when you’re fried asf.
It known to induce manic episodes and worsen symptoms. Im in the same situation and it’s why I quit this year after 10 years of heavy use. If you’re bipolar is safest to stay away from d**** unless a doctor recommends it (like ketamine treatment or something) and look into medication that can protect your brain from mania killing neurons.
I would love to see these articles and methods section.
I have database access, can you drop the DOis?
If it matters my strongest manic episodes were when I hadnt smoked weed in ages at that point
No marijuana can’t CAUSE bipolar disorder but it can enhance pre existing mental health issues
Yeah every actual article I've read very specifically notes this. I've never read a single one for any class or in my own time that claimed weed or psychedelics cause mental disorders itself
Bro I would take 60mg addy. Edibles and smoke throughout the day… almost everyday. F*** that life bruh
every story I’ve heard of recreational addy + weed has been horror. Major “breakthroughs” and a lot of psychosis, combining those two was probably the worst thing to do
I think it's kinda weird op saying he was just "bipolar for a little while"
Not how that works, it stays with you for your life same way autism does for example lol
Hope bro is on lithium and doesn't stop
Bro I would take 60mg addy. Edibles and smoke throughout the day… almost everyday. F*** that life bruh
Used to live like this from 16-19. Never agane
I think it's kinda weird op saying he was just "bipolar for a little while"
Not how that works, it stays with you for your life same way autism does for example lol
Hope bro is on lithium and doesn't stop
F*** no, 4 years off meds, 2 years off weed. Trust in God and take your vitamins, be happy and stay positive. F*** a BP Disorder