See if Cuba js being f***ed over by it's far more powerful neighbour it is good and just to aid them in preserving their sovereignty and prosperity
Now hands off ukraine Vladimir
These are not at all comparable situations either politically or in terms of an unbalance in power
These are not at all comparable situations either politically or in terms of an unbalance in power
Politically no, but putting troops on the border, funding paramilitaries and executing gray zone warfare next to a much weaker state with allies who dont view it as worthy of a fight is in some ways just as bad. There is no shame in admitting Russia wants to preserve its sphere of influence in tje Post soviet space. Its conventional wisdom
Just as America f***s with latam, Russia uses its tools to coerce its neighbours. Energy diplomacy (little green men, narrative f***ery with information campaigns
Why these dumb f***s still do sanctions they never work
Is this b**** American?
thinking about how the media completely dropped this story once it became about how america completely f***ed cuba up and not communism being bad
thinking about how the media completely dropped this story once it became about how america completely f***ed cuba up and not communism being bad
The protests weren't even anti-communist either
white cubans are basically nazis
Eh, I just thought it was a funny tweet. We're class politics on this side Viva Fidel
This fake s*** came and went
You'll get em next tine chief! 70 years of trying weren't enough apparently.
This will end up like the Hong Kong protests: CIA s*** going absolutely nowhere
Quote me in 1 year
2 days late