There’s no shame in being a cod/general audience headass, just can’t be having opinions on higher lvl games tho if you are
I like how dumb is in all caps
Its attracting the "I am going to pirate this when it drops I am edgy" crowd. When they know damn well how little of the actual 60$ even goes to game developers
I like how dumb is in all caps
Its attracting the "I am going to pirate this when it drops I am edgy" crowd. When they know damn well how little of the actual 60$ even goes to game developers
Someone came into the video game store I work at and called Kojima a "peckerhead" because he called "Americans stupid." I tried to correct him, and I think he understood where I was coming from. They just wanna take him down so they're taking a narrative and running with it.
Like...Kojima didn't call Americans dumb or their taste bad. Kojima straight up ends that interview saying he plays FPS games too. But the way Americans are acting makes me want to call them that lmao.
Someone came into the video game store I work at and called Kojima a "peckerhead" because he called "Americans stupid." I tried to correct him, and I think he understood where I was coming from. They just wanna take him down so they're taking a narrative and running with it.
Like...Kojima didn't call Americans dumb or their taste bad. Kojima straight up ends that interview saying he plays FPS games too. But the way Americans are acting makes me want to call them that lmao.
Damn I thought this was just isolated stupidity. People are travelling to their local game store to call an Asian man stupid for stating the obvious about American culture. This applies to all our art. Especially post 09/11. Same reason MCU is ruling Movies, COD and Madden gaming and Game of thrones tv(over). The idea of s***and violence permeates the culture. Not a man nurturing a baby, stealth or getting through a game without killing anyone. Even the people he cast in the game are an good indicator Refn, Del Toro, Junji Ito guest spot. How they all approach their craft isn't the typical american style. In fact most americans will not recognize anyone outside of Del Toro and Geoff Keighly. Immersing themselves in killing and being rewarded for it with points is bread and butter. things outside of that are seen as a risk. Look at recent games of the year...... as well as top selling games.
Yeah I think the most annoying part of this is that Americans are actively attacking and showing no regret in insulting a Japanese man who barely speaks English because of an English translation of an Italian translation of a Japanese quote.
Sony had to come out and provide the right translation, and that makes it clear Kojima is just referring to different artistic sensibilities, which totally exists between countries and if you disagree, go ask any mainstream American movie goer to go watch a Gaspar Noe film
Damn I thought this was just isolated stupidity. People are travelling to their local game store to call an Asian man stupid for stating the obvious about American culture. This applies to all our art. Especially post 09/11. Same reason MCU is ruling Movies, COD and Madden gaming and Game of thrones tv(over). The idea of s***and violence permeates the culture. Not a man nurturing a baby, stealth or getting through a game without killing anyone. Even the people he cast in the game are an good indicator Refn, Del Toro, Junji Ito guest spot. How they all approach their craft isn't the typical american style. In fact most americans will not recognize anyone outside of Del Toro and Geoff Keighly. Immersing themselves in killing and being rewarded for it with points is bread and butter. things outside of that are seen as a risk. Look at recent games of the year...... as well as top selling games.
What you said about sex/violence is so true it really is sick when you think about it how those things have to be shoved up in every series, film, games, etc. even when its not relevant, tbh being encouraged and even rewarded for not killing people is such a great thing, like imagine killing people in MGS when you can just tranquilize everyone even the bosses
What you said about sex/violence is so true it really is sick when you think about it how those things have to be shoved up in every series, film, games, etc. even when its not relevant, tbh being encouraged and even rewarded for not killing people is such a great thing, like imagine killing people in MGS when you can just tranquilize everyone even the bosses
Its more Americans still view discussion of s***and violence as faux paus. Where as in Japan its not as big of a deal. Ero Guro a whole genre. They can poke fun at s***and violence. Partially due to the fact that their country isnt committing violence throughout the world. Same way Germany handles it to a degree too. Seeing s***and violence for some reason evokes emotions out of us even if we don't particular know the characters dying or f***ing. Its p*** in its own sense. The visual imagery of it eventually makes us numb to it. Where developers like Kojima die is how they present sex, death and all of our fears differently. Including in Death Stranding death being a game mechanic that allows you to help others. I haven't myself played it yet so I can only comment so much. MGS you can tranquilize everyone but they wake up and can come back to haunt you. I know I used to knock them out then kill them in their sleep because it was easier that way.
Having an entire boss where you confront those you have killed says a lot. Compare to GTA V highest selling game where by the end of the main story I was tired of unloading clips into people. The idea of holding down a button or two and just seeing character after character die removes a lot of the challenge from it. Yet its continously what games have taught us. Part of what makes Shadow of Colossus so beautiful to me is the complexity of hanging on to the colossus and stabbing it isnt just button mashing or an easy feat.
Hopefully controls and game goals advance with the coming generation.
we're talking about the same country that has signs in their transit system reminding citizens not to grope anybody, right?
im just making sure..
Its more Americans still view discussion of s***and violence as faux paus. Where as in Japan its not as big of a deal. Ero Guro a whole genre. They can poke fun at s***and violence. Partially due to the fact that their country isnt committing violence throughout the world. Same way Germany handles it to a degree too. Seeing s***and violence for some reason evokes emotions out of us even if we don't particular know the characters dying or f***ing. Its p*** in its own sense. The visual imagery of it eventually makes us numb to it. Where developers like Kojima die is how they present sex, death and all of our fears differently. Including in Death Stranding death being a game mechanic that allows you to help others. I haven't myself played it yet so I can only comment so much. MGS you can tranquilize everyone but they wake up and can come back to haunt you. I know I used to knock them out then kill them in their sleep because it was easier that way.
Having an entire boss where you confront those you have killed says a lot. Compare to GTA V highest selling game where by the end of the main story I was tired of unloading clips into people. The idea of holding down a button or two and just seeing character after character die removes a lot of the challenge from it. Yet its continously what games have taught us. Part of what makes Shadow of Colossus so beautiful to me is the complexity of hanging on to the colossus and stabbing it isnt just button mashing or an easy feat.
Hopefully controls and game goals advance with the coming generation.
I hope so too, and maybe Death Stranding will inspire other studios to make games with interesting mecanics that dont necesserally imply fighting or having to kill people. Not that there isnt already games like that, but I mean games from big studios
we're talking about the same guy who had quiet's a****** in your face in the chopper before every mission, right?
who of course comes with a gangrape backstory
im just making sure...
we're talking about the same country that has signs in their transit system reminding citizens not to grope anybody, right?
im just making sure..
That sounds weird lmao do you mind explaining ?
we're talking about the same guy who had quiet's a****** in your face in the chopper before every mission, right?
who of course comes with a gangrape backstory
im just making sure...
I guess people are talking more about DS than MGS here lol
we're talking about the same guy who had quiet's a****** in your face in the chopper before every mission, right?
who of course comes with a gangrape backstory
im just making sure...
I am not in anyway saying Kojima is perfect. Because tropes of the women character facing things like that combined with being silent doesn't help anything.
One might say that I am highly intelligent. After 8 years of study at Yale (I was accepted at 14), I graduated with my master's in law and immediately joined a firm that paid about $180,000 per year. I worked there for 10 years until I left, even getting a partnership. I felt that it was time to leave when my boss wouldn't let me take control of the firm. I quit and became a professor of Organic Chemistry at Stanford, even though I have never studied that subject. That is where I currently work, and I am not worried about the money, because I have a patent for a device that has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars. And yes, I do play Death Standing, I legitimately have gained 10 IQ points since I have started playing, bringing it up to 184.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Death Stranding. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of inner-demential ghosts most of it will go over a typical player’s head. There's also kojima’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his story- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this story, to realise that they're not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Death Stranding truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the dread in Kojima’s existential statement "you’re all alone playing the game" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hideo Kojima’s genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Death Stranding tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎
Wtf I just did
honestly i love chikan p*** so im not complaining but lets keep in mind that everybody has different ways of expressing their primal desires
and using japan as an example of being above it somehow because they display it differently in media is not reality
in fact, their idol industry is very very weird
honestly i love chikan p*** so im not complaining but lets keep in mind that everybody has different ways of expressing their primal desires
and using japan as an example of being above it somehow because they display it differently in media is not reality
in fact, their idol industry is very very weird
Gotta agree with you s***s on another level there
Point about representation of s***in the West in media still stands tho theres really something wrong with it
Gotta agree with you s***s on another level there
Point about representation of s***in the West in media still stands tho theres really something wrong with it
thats true. im not sure how much of it is human and how much of it is a screwed up way of life here.
they definetely are programming us
but its weird cause the western rating system wouldnt let sakurai use mai in smash bros cause she has big titties
to sakurai, its more extreme to have guns than titties
It’s like three different topics on this site dedicated to starting flame wars over Kojima, I’m crying.
Niggas dedicated to slander over a mistranslation
thats true. im not sure how much of it is human and how much of it is a screwed up way of life here.
they definetely are programming us
but its weird cause the western rating system wouldnt let sakurai use mai in smash bros cause she has big titties
to sakurai, its more extreme to have guns than titties
What kills me is the hypocrisy of it all, like we're being sold s***and violence all the time but at the same time people/medias always act shocked and as if these particular things were taboo when theyre clearly not anymore
What kills me is the hypocrisy of it all, like we're being sold s***and violence all the time but at the same time people/medias always act shocked and as if these particular things were taboo when theyre clearly not anymore
Idk maybe from the illuminati perspective they have to keep us thinking within a limited space so that we dont stray too far from the norm. if the bounds were farther than we would want to go further and maybe it would be really evil s***. who knows
I mean you guys are right on the money. Japan has their own way of expressing certain ideas and have different artistic sensibilities from the US. Regardless of how we feel about one over the other, that's what Kojima is trying to say.
People in Japan don't look at the Quiet stuff in MGSV as anything too obscene but in America, it's bizarre and offensive. I side with the latter in that situation (Kojima is not perfect), but his point is that people are resistant to DS because of how strange it is because many people are used to being fed things on a silver platter from the get go. Americans' perspective on killing and gun violence is also unique in a way different from Japan and France and Italy. Why people are so hellbent on taking down this guy over a translation of a translation is absolutely beyond me and its embarrassing for them.