  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    i am not mad over these comments
    im upset with kojimadrones
    im upset because kojima is a big baby that left mgs5 unfinished just for this over indulgent bullshit
    and his celebrity starfucking

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    i am not mad over these comments
    im upset with kojimadrones
    im upset because kojima is a big baby that left mgs5 unfinished just for this over indulgent bullshit
    and his celebrity starfucking

    noone care about your fake deep pseudo artistry
    kojoma dropped a marvellous game and deserves all the booty licking he gets for it

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    noone care about your fake deep pseudo artistry
    kojoma dropped a marvellous game and deserves all the booty licking he gets for it

    i love how you call being upset with him leaving his most beloved loved game series unfinished "fake deep pseudo artistry"
    me, as a consumer felt ripped off. what is fake deep about that? holy s***
    you are exactly the type of person im talking about

  • Nov 14, 2019

    i love how you call being upset with him leaving his most beloved loved game series unfinished "fake deep pseudo artistry"
    me, as a consumer felt ripped off. what is fake deep about that? holy s***
    you are exactly the type of person im talking about

    i didnt even finish mgs 5 that s*** sucked my whole point is that youre supposed to look at the game death stranding not kokomas legacy or something
    but youre out here in your feelings because death stranding didnt drop for the xbox

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply
    mls louden

    Kojima makes the best stealth games


  • Nov 14, 2019

    The shambles are palpable.

  • BnBallinToo


    Dude posted the wrong screenshot so idk all about that

  • Nov 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Even people in spain think it ain't all that lol

  • Nov 14, 2019

    ‘I have to say that the game received enthusiastic reviews, especially in Europe and Japan. Here in the United States, on the other side, we had stronger criticism,’ he told Italian website TGCom24. ‘Maybe this is a game that is difficult to understand for a certain type of critic or audience. Americans are big fans of first person shooters and Death Stranding is not, it is flying higher’.

    "Italians or the French have a different artistic sensibility that allows them to appreciate this kind of very original products.".

    Americans like quick easy things, so a game that’s on the same level as a movie ain’t for f***ers that like the quick satisfaction of shooting and getting points

  • Nov 14, 2019

    There’s some truth to this. but also some truth to the fact that many Kojima games are closer to 40 hour cutscenes with purposely obscure stories that are filled with plot holes

  • everything he said is facts

    americans are just too dumb to understand what he meant

  • People are actually agreeing with him

  • Nov 14, 2019

    Even people in spain think it ain't all that lol

    spain is like the gutter of europe so

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Gameplay looks truly boring as s***

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Gameplay looks truly boring as s***

    I's not.

    And that's also not the point.

    But go off, chief.

  • Nov 15, 2019
    2 replies

    I's not.

    And that's also not the point.

    But go off, chief.

    • gameplay not the point of a game
    really not even surprised by the posts itt anymore
    enjoy your interactive movie!

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    • gameplay not the point of a game
    really not even surprised by the posts itt anymore
    enjoy your interactive movie!

    Didn’t you say the Illuminati wants us to stop believing in gender ?

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    Didn’t you say the Illuminati wants us to stop believing in gender ?

    stay on topic, drone

  • Nov 15, 2019

    stay on topic, drone

  • Nov 15, 2019
    1 reply

    gameplay is not the point Sekiro GOTY still btw

  • Nov 15, 2019

    4 days later y’all still in your feelings about what he said ?

  • Nov 15, 2019

    gameplay is not the point Sekiro GOTY still btw


  • Nov 16, 2019

    • gameplay not the point of a game
    really not even surprised by the posts itt anymore
    enjoy your interactive movie!

    Whether or not you consider gameplay boring is not the point of the thread. But keep misinterpreting and constructing a narrative because people like something you don't, man.

    You keep digging your grave with each post smh lmfao

  • Nov 17, 2019
    mls louden

    Kojima makes the best stealth games

    That guy isn't an enemy. Let alone, the first time you move through mule territory in episode 3 with a lot of cargo it tells you that if it's stacked up high it will not hide you from mules.

  • Nov 17, 2019
    1 reply

    People really take things out of context. All he meant was that a lot of Americans will probably not be into the game because fps games are the most sought after games in the US. He wasn't talking about every gamer in the US either as he knows that a lot of people will still love this game. People will read a section of that article that mentions Americans and take it out of context as a personal attack on them even though they didn't take the time to understand it. Yeah he might being throwing shade your way if you're part of the fps demographic, but he's not calling Americans stupid or anything. He's just mentioning that people have different preferences.
