Backstory: Holiday Inn Employee Was Confronted For Charging This Guest’s Credit Card $1K When It Was Suppose To Only Be $400!
Still bruh that s*** can be resolved why even go to the lengths of humiliating someone
Backstory: Holiday Inn Employee Was Confronted For Charging This Guest’s Credit Card $1K When It Was Suppose To Only Be $400!
Nice corny ass clickbait
@allmygirlsdoyoga remove the school shooter nonsense Canadian.
Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?
Cuz the d***head deleted it after not getting the attention he wanted.
The guy that was hitting himself?
if you made a mistake you basically don't deserve to get treated with any amount of decency tbh
oh so recording him and making fun of him on twitter was pretty much justified
nah I dont think he should've posted this , but it makes total. sense he was pissed off , like that could be money you need for rent or whatever
Backstory: Holiday Inn Employee Was Confronted For Charging This Guest’s Credit Card $1K When It Was Suppose To Only Be $400!
He had a right to be mad.... literally nobody is arguing that. You arguing in bad faith right now.
nah I dont think he should've posted this , but it makes total. sense he was pissed off , like that could be money you need for rent or whatever
yeah but being mad isn't a good reason to treat people poorly and do stuff like this
It's a f***ing kid who works at a s***ty job where he has to deal with s*** customers that berate him for the slightest of inconveniences. Then he's getting recorded and he knows it's going to be uploaded in social media, where he may lose his job or even worse, tarnish his reputation.
People make school shooting jokes and s*** until an actual shooting happens and then they cry for "mental health awareness". Mf, state-sanctioned mental health care is only part of the puzzle. Capitalism has made these folks' minds hellbent on treating the working class as subhumans and punching bags.
We've lost any shred of empathy towards other people, just because of some entitlement that they are supposed to bend and break over the tiniest problem you may have with their service. A problem that'll probably be fixed immediately as long as you have half a sense of cordiality and chillness.
did the video get removed or something? op is blank
Dude deleted it after the backlash
He had a right to be mad.... literally nobody is arguing that. You arguing in bad faith right now.
post below u literally arguing that
nah I dont think he should've posted this , but it makes total. sense he was pissed off , like that could be money you need for rent or whatever
Yeah cause everytime someone gets an order wrong of mine or charges $40 extra on my card as an honest mistake I pull my phone out and act like b****y ass karen and post it to facebook
you giving off KAREN vibes so badly bruh
whats the big deal its not like they cant refund
here the vid w backstory
i feel bad for lil bro
how the guy filming him wrong what? you have to handle way worse then this when u work at the check in at a hotel , the f***
Are you trolling or do you really just completely lack the ability to have empathy
did the video get removed or something? op is blank
I just edited OP the OG tweet was deleted. Check now.
post below u literally arguing that
No he has a right to be mad
being mad isn't a good reason to treat people poorly
he can feel however he wants
whats the big deal its not like they cant refund
It's no big deal, it's just a male karen
Yeah cause everytime someone gets an order wrong of mine or charges $40 extra on my card as an honest mistake I pull my phone out and act like b****y ass karen and post it to facebook
you giving off KAREN vibes so badly bruh
broooooooo 600$ lost can f*** a persons whole life up the f*** are u talking about man
It's a f***ing kid who works at a s***ty job where he has to deal with s*** customers that berate him for the slightest of inconveniences. Then he's getting recorded and he knows it's going to be uploaded in social media, where he may lose his job or even worse, tarnish his reputation.
People make school shooting jokes and s*** until an actual shooting happens and then they cry for "mental health awareness". Mf, state-sanctioned mental health care is only part of the puzzle. Capitalism has made these folks' minds hellbent on treating the working class as subhumans and punching bags.
We've lost any shred of empathy towards other people, just because of some entitlement that they are supposed to bend and break over the tiniest problem you may have with their service. A problem that'll probably be fixed immediately as long as you have half a sense of cordiality and chillness.
@allmygirlsdoyoga read this.