i've had this opinion for a while so i brought it up to some friends some disagreed and others had no opinions on it soooooo what do you guys think 🤔
i like the story and gameplay systems more but both are great games 😨
I can definitely see tonnes of people disagreeing because TLOU has a crazy circle jerk but i agree I definitely like HZD better TLOU still a damn classic though
Horizon zero dawn has the greatest plot ever
definitely one of my favorites 😌
Storywise, nah. Gameplay wise, maybe.
I can definitely see tonnes of people disagreeing because TLOU has a crazy circle jerk but i agree I definitely like HZD better TLOU still a damn classic though
I like tlou but most people aint played the s*** and just say it because they heard it was so good.
I met a 40 year old nigga in gamestop he liked it. Talked about it to where I knew he played it. Said he couldn’t wait for the next part.
A lot of big games are like that. People don't even been done played it
I like tlou but most people aint played the s*** and just say it because they heard it was so good.
I met a 40 year old nigga in gamestop he liked it. Talked about it to where I knew he played it. Said he couldn’t wait for the next part.
A lot of big games are like that. People don't even been done played it
Yeah hype ass bozos lol
I like tlou but most people aint played the s*** and just say it because they heard it was so good.
I met a 40 year old nigga in gamestop he liked it. Talked about it to where I knew he played it. Said he couldn’t wait for the next part.
A lot of big games are like that. People don't even been done played it
Should've exposed that nigga to the whole store
Should've exposed that nigga to the whole store
Nah, not him. I was saying his 40 year old ass actually likes the game. I could tell he had played it.
Meanwhile, internet nerds just say what they heard a youtuber say.
I’ve heard people say how much they lover Persona 5. Never played it and then say how much they love the Shin Megami Tensei series but never had a PS2 lol
Bold but man I love both, I can’t agree or disagree to this. I will say tho that Horizon’s story stuck wit me more than most games ever will. Top 5 for sure. TLOU was more emotionally gripping but man Horizon was so genius the way that GAIA basically recreated the scientist (Forget her name atm) as Aloy.
Reveal legitimately had me like for a good 5 minutes lmao script was better than most movies.
get this hoe out of this section
abdul hates these hoes
abdul played horizon and dropped it after a few hours because it is a generic open world
abdul hates you
abdul loves TLOU