It’s not powerful enough yet? It was literally designed to destroy everything in order to start over again... it was the failsafe that would kill everything in zero dawn... why would it not be powerful enough yet???
Its designed to doesn’t mean it can magically create parts for a machine. The metal devil could have crucial parts missing which hades may help sylens with in the sequel
Its designed to doesn’t mean it can magically create parts for a machine. The metal devil could have crucial parts missing which hades may help sylens with in the sequel
So in other words, the cool metal devil wasn’t used so that they can get you to pay another $60 to get a rewarding conclusion to a story and a fun climactic boss fight, ok just say that then
So in other words, the cool metal devil wasn’t used so that they can get you to pay another $60 to get a rewarding conclusion to a story and a fun climactic boss fight, ok just say that then
God damn. I quit man. For real you win
Bold but man I love both, I can’t agree or disagree to this. I will say tho that Horizon’s story stuck wit me more than most games ever will. Top 5 for sure. TLOU was more emotionally gripping but man Horizon was so genius the way that GAIA basically recreated the scientist (Forget her name atm) as Aloy.
Reveal legitimately had me like for a good 5 minutes lmao script was better than most movies.
The story didn’t have an interesting climax at all, it all built up to nothing, just another deathbringer and then you stab the villain of the entire game in a cutscene
i liked it
For real? Cause I played a little and got past the proving or some s*** and wasn't interested at all.
proving grounds is the f***ing tutorial what did you expect
Horizon is probably the most overrated game this gen.
nah thats persona 5
Horizon is probably the most overrated game this gen.
hands down I agree, horizon 2 could be really good though if they put more effort into the story and gameplay. the ending set up horizon 2 to have an interesting start, but we’ll see if they can follow through this time with an actual climax and resolution
proving grounds is the f***ing tutorial what did you expect
Usually a good story gives you something to care about at the start otherwise you don't give a f***.
But yeah that whole s*** with that guy rust or whatever seemed pretty dull. I'll try the game again and see how I feel later in the story
Lol this, i have never spoken to anyone & they said HZD story was bad/average/disappointing only on here im seeing those views. The criticisms would normally be gameplay. The story in HZD is easily one of the best the game got all the praise it deserved at the end of the day & sold a s*** tonne. Sequel finna be even more flames