  • Aug 6, 2020

    The gameplay is amazing, the combat in part 2 is so great, I think it’s a definite improvement in that aspect. I like the story in part 2 a lot, but I like part 1 a little more just because I enjoyed the relationship between Joel and Ellie so much.

  • Aug 6, 2020

    the second game is better is some places and not so much in other places.

    first game: characters were better, story was better, and ending was better.

    second game: did everything else better

  • Aug 6, 2020

    I think it’s better in every single way except story. Even though I really enjoyed the story for Part 2, I still think it did have some pacing issues which kinda took me out of a little. Part 1’s story was perfect to me. I thought Ghost was my GOTY for some time but I went back and played TLOU2 again and I think I’ve solidified my opinion on TLOU2 being my GOTY.

  • Aug 6, 2020

    I started to but the game doesn't consistently hit the highs that the first game did and the entire 2 or so hours stretch at the end kind of hurt the game for me personally.

    The gameplay is a natural improvement over the first one in every way imaginable though.

  • Aug 6, 2020

    its better in every way

    What a s*** opinion

  • Aug 6, 2020


  • Aug 6, 2020

    People went in with preconceived notions and railed so hard against the game due to leaked spoilers (many of them fake) that they couldn’t save face because otherwise they’d have to admit how f***ing embarrassing their initial reaction was.

    Or they went in with the intention of hating it, and refused to engage with its narrative, thus creating a surface level viewing of it and being dense in their interpretations.

    Then, you know, there’s the sexism and homophobia angle.

    Then there’s also the phenomenon of people claiming that they want to be challenged by narrative, and want stories to have consequences, but in reality they just want the illusion of consequences, and for everything to right itself by the end.

    It’s amazing how much this game really f***ed a lot of people up on multiple levels, even professional game critics.

    Then, you know, there’s the sexism and homophobia angle.

    Such a special ed take everyone expected to play as Ellie who is a woman and a lesbian for the whole game ctfu

  • Aug 6, 2020

    Gameplay is so much better in part 2 its crazy

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean yeah everything about PLAYING the game is better, story is just divisive but a polarizing story is worth waiting for over an average safe plot

  • Aug 6, 2020

    its better in every way

  • Aug 6, 2020

    I don’t think I could choose. Obviously gameplay is drastically improved in the second game as everyone mentioned. But when it comes to story, I thought it was expanded on and went into depth much more in the second game which I really appreciated. It also forces you to consciously think about the consequences of your actions which is something I have never experienced in a video game before personally. The overall messages also really hit home for me. But the Joel/Ellie relationship is still something I really missed from the first game, which is why the museum level was a major highlight for me. Both 10/10 games and I rarely ever feel that way about video games tbh

  • Aug 6, 2020

    Not to mention, level design in 2 was f***ing INSANE. 1 was quite forgettable honestly but that didn’t hinder my experience whatsoever. Just something worth pointing out. I think if anyone had a preference for one over the other it’d be very valid

  • Aug 6, 2020

    Me its so much better

    Gameplay 3 times better
    Story is better
    Graphics and Set pieces not need to mention