Especially the Gaga version; also “Radio…”
Plus it sounded like she was trying too much to emulate Rihanna's sound at the time lmfaooo
Plus it sounded like she was trying too much to emulate Rihanna's sound at the time lmfaooo
Really? I’ve never thought about it as such, but it was horrendous.
Single Ladies is actually a really great song too
What other songs out there sounds like Single Ladies?
Really? I’ve never thought about it as such, but it was horrendous.
Legit, Radio sounded like Rihanna was supposed to be on from the beat and the vocal melody.
Never been a huge fan of Sasha Fierce but its not a bad album, and has some classic iconic songs
Other than that I easily agree , not even that hot of a take imo
I love @op but we can admit that Sasha Fierce was definitely a miss.
Video Phone
video phone was hard as hell you trippin
Everything is Love
Sasha Fierce
B-Day is an incredible album
And it has some of her greatest singles ever
Everything is Love
Sasha Fierce
B-Day is literally debatably Bey's Top 3 album
My fav Bey album from the first half of her career. I was in the zone when you played Kitty Kat in your VZ
video phone was hard as hell you trippin
these niggas are just hitting post as per usual
What female artist had longevity like her, especially when we look at acclaim in the industry and commercial success? Mariah for example did The Elusive Chanteuse 25 years in
maybe Sade? But she never felt like she was on the forefront of the current culture/zeitgeist.
I love @op but we can admit that Sasha Fierce was definitely a miss.
Video Phone
I don’t think it is but it’s her weakest