Just my opinion on hot vs beautiful, hot is for me mostly sexual attraction (great body also), beautiful is instant wife material, like im looking at art or something. Pics for comparison
Choose another pic of that girl she look like miss piggy on here lmao
Hot, which is a word I wouldn't use, just means they have s***appeal
Tons of people are beautiful even if they wouldn't fit conventionally defined s***appeal
Just my opinion on hot vs beautiful, hot is for me mostly sexual attraction (great body also), beautiful is instant wife material, like im looking at art or something. Pics for comparison
This honestly has to be trolling. Second pic got me legitimately baffled.
i expected someone to say this 😂, that just shows how different our taste can be, to me, 2nd pic is the best looking girl i've probably ever seen no joke
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damn some of you people cannot handle someone having a different taste than you
Beautiful doesnt necessarily makes my d*** hard
Just my opinion on hot vs beautiful, hot is for me mostly sexual attraction (great body also), beautiful is instant wife material, like im looking at art or something. Pics for comparison
Bro changed the pic if you used this pic in the first place niggas wouldn’t be on yo ass
I think a lot of it has to do with face, nose, and eye shape, and especially eye shape.
Hot, which is a word I wouldn't use, just means they have s***appeal
Tons of people are beautiful even if they wouldn't fit conventionally defined s***appeal
i agree, i think hotness is only temporary is what im trying to get at, being beautiful does not go away
Just my opinion on hot vs beautiful, hot is for me mostly sexual attraction (great body also), beautiful is instant wife material, like im looking at art or something. Pics for comparison
type s***
I don’t really say hot anymore, if someone has s***appeal for me for whatever reason then that’s what I would consider “hot.”
Beauty is something I appreciate more on an aesthetic level than a visceral one, a woman can be very beautiful and I might not think of them on sexual terms at all really, while there are women I find sexually appealing who I wouldn’t say are especially beautiful
A lot of s***appeal comes down to how people carry themselves and interact with the world. Certain qualities are catnip for me and others are a major turnoff and none of them relate specifically to beauty
type s***
I can’t think of a single woman who would be “beautiful” but not “hot”
beautiful but not hot, dont ask me why i even watch skiing sometimes
What is hot vs beautiful?
This man did not know the difference
i think that the account that posted that could be a little too much into p***. the lady on the right is only attracting us cause of the instant obvious features, more carnal.
now this girl that i posted, i dont even see her body and i would wife her. i think that hotness is more in-the-moment sexual attraction that can easily fade away
i think that the account that posted that could be a little too much into p***. the lady on the right is only attracting us cause of the instant obvious features, more carnal.
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH_nCI7LV4Anow this girl that i posted, i dont even see her body and i would wife her. i think that hotness is more in-the-moment sexual attraction that can easily fade away
yeah, that's the distinction.
In the most caveman terms possible
Hot = H****
Beautiful = Aesthetically pleasing, with or without the presence of the h****
Choose another pic of that girl she look like miss piggy on here lmao
New pic worse lmao
Hot is more sexual. Usually banging body, a nice face helps but it isn't a defining factor. I'd describe Nicki Minaj, Cardi B as hot
Pretty/beautiful means a woman with an attractive face. Like a jaw dropping, stunning woman. Someone you can't help but steal a few glances at. This woman from the latest season of Survivor is beautiful imo
It is possible to be both e.g Beyonce but finding a woman beautiful is more rare for me