Hot is more sexual. Usually banging body, a nice face helps but it isn't a defining factor. I'd describe Nicki Minaj, Cardi B as hot
Pretty/beautiful means a woman with an attractive face. Like a jaw dropping, stunning woman. Someone you can't help but steal a few glances at. This woman from the latest season of Survivor is beautiful imo
It is possible to be both e.g Beyonce but finding a woman beautiful is more rare for me
nothing jaw dropping at all bout her she has a very average face and her features have little harmony
This is beautiful
I think a lot of it has to do with face, nose, and eye shape, and especially eye shape.
Beautiful to me is harmonious face that’s cute with soft features
While hot is nice body and striking features that make males primal ash
Just my opinion on hot vs beautiful, hot is for me mostly sexual attraction (great body also), beautiful is instant wife material, like im looking at art or something. Pics for comparison
nothing jaw dropping at all bout her she has a very average face and her features have little harmony
This is beautiful
Why you post a pic of a s***doll
nothing jaw dropping at all bout her she has a very average face and her features have little harmony
This is beautiful
Beauty is subjective, I'm not about to discuss women's looks like they're objective. You can't control attraction, I don't look out for harmony or specific features when someone catches my eye
You comparing someone who was on an island for days, no soap, no makeup, minimal food and water to someone all dolled up at an event btw
What is hot vs beautiful?
This man did not know the difference
He said socially engineered like society doesnt prefer 2 over 1
I don’t really say hot anymore, if someone has s***appeal for me for whatever reason then that’s what I would consider “hot.”
Beauty is something I appreciate more on an aesthetic level than a visceral one, a woman can be very beautiful and I might not think of them on sexual terms at all really, while there are women I find sexually appealing who I wouldn’t say are especially beautiful
A lot of s***appeal comes down to how people carry themselves and interact with the world. Certain qualities are catnip for me and others are a major turnoff and none of them relate specifically to beauty
noir posting my same thoughts as usual
Beautiful is a big umbrella term and hot is just one way to express what is beautiful. To me, hot is beautiful in motion. Anyone can be beautiful. But, it's the way someone carries themselves, flirts with their eyes, their voice, their choice of words, their confidence and actions that makes them hot to me.
But, I also feel like hot is an idea that changes over time and varies from culture to culture while beautiful is more defined by qualities that are universal and transcend time and point of view.
Idk but Zazie both
Started going to physical therapy and there’s this girl that works there who look like her
Beauty is subjective, I'm not about to discuss women's looks like they're objective. You can't control attraction, I don't look out for harmony or specific features when someone catches my eye
You comparing someone who was on an island for days, no soap, no makeup, minimal food and water to someone all dolled up at an event btw
She’d be beautiful on an abandoned island to
Personally I phased out the word “Hot” out of my vocabulary, sounds immature imo
As a black man saying that just never felt right lol like “Ahh your so hot babe” xD keep that
isnt hot just another word for sexy? Thats how i always perceived it anyway. Hot is assocaited with s***appeal and beautiful is with aesthetic beauty