Malcom X better
That’s the #1 issue. Constant power rankings like we’re talking NFL or Boxing.
That’s the #1 issue. Constant power rankings like we’re talking NFL or Boxing.
Nigga shut tf up
Reminding people that he was a socialist
Just say u don’t care about black people & keep it movin. You’re capitalizing on an early ideology of an individual who once be broke away from that train of thought he was assassinated.
Just say u don’t care about black people & keep it movin. You’re capitalizing on an early ideology of an individual who once be broke away from that train of thought he was assassinated.
ayo chill, that user is good peeps. he fights the good fight and really lives out the s*** he speaks bout
he's just referring to the fact that in their quest to whitewash MLK/his legacy, america/the right has tried to rebrand him as some fervent supporter of capitalism, when in reality he opposed it
Malcom X better
Yea my views on the world align more so with Malcom X but like dude above said, ranking these black men trying to heal their people is stupid. They were both necessary:
Yea my views on the world align more so with Malcom X but like dude above said, ranking these black men trying to heal their people is stupid. They were both necessary:
I’m not tryna rank em I’m just saying I prefer one over the other, I don’t really agree with all the nonviolent s***
f***ing off at work
hel yea waste the white mens time while collecting pay
thats wassup
ayo chill, that user is good peeps. he fights the good fight and really lives out the s*** he speaks bout
he's just referring to the fact that in their quest to whitewash MLK/his legacy, america/the right has tried to rebrand him as some fervent supporter of capitalism, when in reality he opposed it
While I agree that the media has whitewashed n watered down Kings message, he began to drop these optimistic beliefs.
It wasn’t until MLK was focused on black specific economics were his days numbered. It’s speeches like this and others that people forget & they forget how MLK & Malcolms ideologies were beginning to synchronize in their latter days.
King should’ve taken that deal to send folks to Israel.
Probably gonna cheat on my girl again
She gonna find out eventually and it will be over but imma enjoy this vibe for a bit. This side chick really hit different. She was giving me head to I LOVE YOU by Faith Evans in my car. Almost started crying...
i posted a mlk quote on igstory and they put a misinformation warning on my post
Cuckerberg is racist been known
Just say u don’t care about black people & keep it movin. You’re capitalizing on an early ideology of an individual who once be broke away from that train of thought he was assassinated.
?? this is the literal opposite??
Just say u don’t care about black people & keep it movin. You’re capitalizing on an early ideology of an individual who once be broke away from that train of thought he was assassinated.
Very last thing MLK did was lead the poor peoples campaign
Probably gonna cheat on my girl again
She gonna find out eventually and it will be over but imma enjoy this vibe for a bit. This side chick really hit different. She was giving me head to I LOVE YOU by Faith Evans in my car. Almost started crying...