correct me if i’m wrong because I was a casual fan when trilogy dropped before it was trilogy but became a stan later but wasn’t this his first foray into mainstream territory?
correct me if i’m wrong because I was a casual fan when trilogy dropped before it was trilogy but became a stan later but wasn’t this his first foray into mainstream territory?
! it was crew love
This came out around BBTM
He would s*** his pants lmao
Also, "hey abel, quit wanking to Jennifer Lawrence's magazine, soon there won't be no need. I don't wanna spoil it for you, but 10 years from now you'll have fornicated with Bella Hadid, Selena Gomez, and a dozed or two of the girls from the Victoria's Secret 2016 runway in Paris and 2015 in New York, to mention few lmao"
Ahem, also you derail a little and sell out, compromising your art and where you could be if you evolved your songwriting constantly, all this cause resisting the temptation to attain mammon is something that requires very strong character, morals and strong self-respect, strong willpower to never quit pushing the bar to be better, to surpass your peers and most importanly surpass yourself, unfortunately this was too much for you.
But nevertheless, later on the road you kinda make attempts to recover, and come back to the right road, so there's that too. Also future you is gonna lose the files/hard drive of My Favourite One Night Stand, so make sure you don't lose it. Or if you do, no big deal, you still have the vocals. Right? ..... Right...?
Abel's lust for white women
correct me if i’m wrong because I was a casual fan when trilogy dropped before it was trilogy but became a stan later but wasn’t this his first foray into mainstream territory?
Holy s***, having him perform at a period where only the mixtapes were the extent of his discography would feel surreal!
In such an enclosed and intimate setting
correct me if i’m wrong because I was a casual fan when trilogy dropped before it was trilogy but became a stan later but wasn’t this his first foray into mainstream territory?
! Then Earned It and CFMF catapulted him to full mainstream status.
If the casual audience wasn’t into him why was it considered a flop?
How can you follow up trilogy and not flop.. tough and drake stimulus was very much a thing.. first few tracks came out before being posted on the OVO blog and no one really cared tbh
How can you follow up trilogy and not flop.. tough and drake stimulus was very much a thing.. first few tracks came out before being posted on the OVO blog and no one really cared tbh
Kiss Land is to Trilogy what Dawn FM is to After Hours
Nah it was crew love
This came out around BBTM
Nah it’s the Ariana song in terms of actual mainstream attention. Crew Love was a big placement but it wasn’t being played on the radio 24/7 like that song.
Kiss Land is to Trilogy what Dawn FM is to After Hours
Not even comparable or close 😂
he was popular with people who were super into hip hop/r and b but not white suburban moms yet
The amount of white suburban moms at this tour is insane