I think it's because those people think it's only some pixels on a screen but it's not the mid 00's anymore.
Personally dont say it but I don't think that it's that serious of a thing.
Do find it funny that most people I've seen saying it are usually the ones who preach the most.
That screen is like a security guard they’ll say they would fight you disrespect family members dead or alive but you know it’s nowhere near the same in person otherwise it would be way more fights in public if people spoke how they did online
ya’ll wasn’t in them COD lobbies
Niggas be overplaying them COD lobbies
It was just whites that showered annually
I don't care if people say this anymore although it used to bother me. What I don't get is when people who act super moral say s*** like this like it can't be triggering lol
I think ya most people recognize it's trivial online banter
I do recognize saying that s*** to people who have happened to know someone who took their own life is not okay though, and for that reason saying it at all to someone you dont know is no good
yep a very important person in my life committed suicide but it is what it is
yep a very important person in my life committed suicide but it is what it is
Real s*** twin
op has to born after 2006
i think you understimate how ruthless new gen is lol these kids dont give a f*** they will doxx you and your entire family
Niggas be overplaying them COD lobbies
It was just whites that showered annually
nah this lobby core s*** is live and alive in most 00s-10s online shooters
i was playing this mw2 mod remake and saw the nword 3 minutes in while playing
I mean way back then spectators loved going to see gladiator matches.
A lot of humans got that darkness cynical side in them
nah this lobby core s*** is live and alive in most 00s-10s online shooters
i was playing this mw2 mod remake and saw the nword 3 minutes in while playing
What I'm saying is the people in the COD lobby are the same people with any amount of anonymity on the Internet
ask snowboy