I used to do it when i was in middle skool like 2013 2014 but i think kys was a meme/in stile at that time. Cant do that today. Its very dark
I used to do it when i was in middle skool like 2013 2014 but i think kys was a meme/in stile at that time. Cant do that today. Its very dark
Middle school in 2013/2014
I was graduated from college then
The pretend righteous ones always the first to wish death upon others
Funniest thing is the irony is always lost on them. They aren’t meant to be taken seriously as people
Middle school in 2013/2014
I was graduated from college then
I started college at about then
My friend's department is currently receiving threats, including death threats, because of a one-sided newspaper article in which someone plays the victim card.
Pretty scary how people think this behavior is ok.
You're her personal Zack from the Six
I considered changing my name to Huge Snowboy Stan last week lmao
The screen makes you less empathetic
Here is an example.
You are a young kid and go up to another kid who is overweight and you call them fat. They get sad, and you start to feel bad. You were just a young kid and you did not know calling them fat would make them and you sad.
You stop calling people fat.
Same scene, but you are a young kid who sees a video of an overweight kid online. You comment under the video “Fat ass!”.
This time you don’t see the kid getting sad, so you don’t feel any empathy and at the same time people upvote your comment and calls you funny.
You think “this is great” and keep on calling people fat.
The screen makes people less empathetic and some people straight up feels that their actions have no consequences if it’s thru a screen
place bets on how many pages before lock
ya’ll wasn’t in them COD lobbies
i was literally the 11 year old that trickshotted u then called u a