  • Dec 22, 2021

    @kollaps For example look how Europeans relate to gypsies aka Romani people and how Americans do. Not the same at all.

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    my argument that if socialism was as based as is claimed all over ktt itd be the dominant global system is not bad faith

    sorry if i framed it with a little comedy

    ikr capitalism is so great that America itself waste hundreds of millions in edible foods by trashing it and not feeding its 11% food insecure population

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    What the f*** are you talking about. The answer is: "Race relations" depend on the ethnic make-up of a country, its history, economy, political system. In no way is it similar around the world.

    race relations across nations with similar demographics are more or less the same

    there is racism in spain, france, japan, india against minority groups just like there is in the US

    there is considerably less hostility towards minorities worldwide than even 50 years ago

    atrocities still happen all over the world especially to ethnic and racial minorities, but for the most part, we as a globe seem to be headed in a positive direction

    im not saying every single country is the same as america or has no race issues

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Stop replying they haven’t ever engaged in a fruitful way despite all the cool interesting info in this thread

    Not trying to learn just trying to argue in bad faith

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Thats not what I mean. I mean the part where you said I only claimed USA had slavery or something.

    oh gotcha yea that was bad faith but i think the question almost begged for it

    obviously im not saying the us history is the same for the rest of the world im not as stupid as yall think

  • Dec 22, 2021
    JT is Electric

    ikr capitalism is so great that America itself waste hundreds of millions in edible foods by trashing it and not feeding its 11% food insecure population


  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    race relations across nations with similar demographics are more or less the same

    there is racism in spain, france, japan, india against minority groups just like there is in the US

    there is considerably less hostility towards minorities worldwide than even 50 years ago

    atrocities still happen all over the world especially to ethnic and racial minorities, but for the most part, we as a globe seem to be headed in a positive direction

    im not saying every single country is the same as america or has no race issues

    Lol. Europe has far more immigrant hate in the 2010s than it did in the 2000s for example.

    Japan is a homogenous country with barely any foreigners so their view of ethnicity and race is not the same.

    No offense but you should think outside of the USA box a bit more. This is your main logical flaw right now.

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    oh gotcha yea that was bad faith but i think the question almost begged for it

    obviously im not saying the us history is the same for the rest of the world im not as stupid as yall think

    Alright man. Don't take it personal bro.

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Stop replying they haven’t ever engaged in a fruitful way despite all the cool interesting info in this thread

    Not trying to learn just trying to argue in bad faith

    how am i arguing in bad faith?

    i was at lunch w my father for his birthday so i didnt have time to read 30 page articles or watch youtube videos about the cia or race relations in the soviet union

    im responding to as many ppl as i can while trying to be as substantive as one can be and should be on a hip hop forum

    be happy ur getting some push back to flesh out ur ideas instead of the marxist circle jerk that these threads tend to become

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Lol. Europe has far more immigrant hate in the 2010s than it did in the 2000s for example.

    Japan is a homogenous country with barely any foreigners so their view of ethnicity and race is not the same.

    No offense but you should think outside of the USA box a bit more. This is your main logical flaw right now.

    aii lets agree to disagree then cuz clearly my point is irrelevant to ur philosophy

    i personally think its good that the world is becoming more open and accepting of their neighboring cultures and populations, despite plenty of issues still existing

  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    my argument that if socialism was as based as is claimed all over ktt itd be the dominant global system is not bad faith

    sorry if i framed it with a little comedy

    This argument still remains flawed because there’s a lack of account for the currently existing power structure oppressing class consciousness and the collective understanding of socialism

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Alright man. Don't take it personal bro.

    ofc not u one of the few whos debate ive enjoyed itt

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    This argument still remains flawed because there’s a lack of account for the currently existing power structure oppressing class consciousness and the collective understanding of socialism

    thats a good point actually

    i mean i COULD say “if socialism was based itd be at the forefront of education yadayadaya” but i get what ur saying

    lets see where history takes us

  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    This argument still remains flawed because there’s a lack of account for the currently existing power structure oppressing class consciousness and the collective understanding of socialism

    btw who the goddess in ur avy?

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    Markets are good at determining the price peope are willing to pay for stuff thats it. People gotta understand they can be manipulated pretty easily especially in smaller countries

  • Dec 22, 2021

    btw who the goddess in ur avy?

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    ofc not u one of the few whos debate ive enjoyed itt

    {Outro: Drake & Kanye }
    I forgive you man
    We still getting this s*** done though
    You know thats facts

  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    Markets are good at determining the price peope are willing to pay for stuff thats it. People gotta understand they can be manipulated pretty easily especially in smaller countries

    is this a bad thing tho?

  • Dec 22, 2021

    {Outro: Drake & Kanye }
    I forgive you man
    We still getting this s*** done though
    You know thats facts

    me and arcade when a democratic socialist finally becomes president of this capitalist nation

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s not that capitalists see the market (which I refuse to ridiculously capitalise) as Lord it’s that the market is an action that imitates the divine action and in this socialism/communism is no different than capitalism because they both have, as their ends, the imitating of divine action through materiality

  • Dec 22, 2021

    btw who the goddess in ur avy?

    No clue

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s not that capitalists see the market (which I refuse to ridiculously capitalise) as Lord it’s that the market is an action that imitates the divine action and in this socialism/communism is no different than capitalism because they both have, as their ends, the imitating of divine action through materiality

    How does socialism imitate divine action?

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    thats a good point actually

    i mean i COULD say “if socialism was based itd be at the forefront of education yadayadaya” but i get what ur saying

    lets see where history takes us

    What's missing is a class a***ysis in your assessment of why things happen. Why did all these countries fight against a socialist revolution if socialism is good? Not because socialism is bad (how would they even know it was never implemented), it's because these countries were led by the same class that ruled over the working class of Russia that advocated for a worldwide workers' revolution. It wasn't like they debates the ethics of socialism, came to the conclusion that it was immoral, and decided to invade the USSR. They were worried about their own workers revolting against them.

    It's the same reason for why the US was so freaked out by the slave rebellion of Haiti. They didn't want the oppressed class in their own country to get any ideas.

  • Dec 22, 2021
    1 reply

    is this a bad thing tho?

    I mean.. yeah. If prices are artificially driven up for essential goods ur gonna have a subset of the population now unable to get those goods. A corporations only end is profit so theyll take selling less total if they make more per sale even though people will be hurt by that. Thats where price controls come in.
    Ideally we could have moral corporations with morality enforced by law, and strict punishment for immoral companies but this has not materialized yet

  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    How does socialism imitate divine action?

    By putting primacy on the immediacy of economic principles, it gives absoluteness to what does not possess the absolute.
