  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    you do realize our modern technology needs an the most resources in history to sustain

    How do you envision us running out of resources and what happens then?

  • Dec 22, 2021

    How do you envision us running out of resources and what happens then?

    "how do you envision us running our of resources" ummmmmmmmmmm maybe the very real and impending biosphere collapse ?

  • Dec 22, 2021
    2 replies

    How do you envision us running out of resources and what happens then?

    Nigga everything just gon start melting one day

  • Dec 22, 2021

    Nigga everything just gon start melting one day

    Yeah ight

  • Dec 22, 2021

    1. It won't be the success of socialist nations that gets the ball rolling but rather the failure of capitalist nations in the future.

    2. Marxism doesn't mean just revolutionary phrase-mongering and so on. Karl Marx himself (if we wanna get to the source) advocated for both short-term reforms and long-term systemic changes in the form of a revolution. Karl Marx wrote a party program for the French Worker's Party and had stuff in it like "equal pay for both genders", "minimum wage according to living expenses of workers", "no foreigner shall be hired with a wage less than domestic workers" and so on, all goals that would have been great for French workers at the time (and still are) but wouldn't necessarily need a revolution to be passed.

    In fact, you do need short-term reforms and community organizing to gain trust and support. For example, the 3rd largest town in Austria now has a communist mayor. She and the party there had a hotline for tenants and helped them out if their landlords made trouble. The people came to trust the communists there and gave them their vote.

    Now obviously, communism won't be enacted through the ballet box. But you have to start somewhere and most Marxists never opposed partaking in elections. Lenin himself stated that communists should partake in elections and also engage in reforms so as to gain the trust of the people and guide them towards communism by making them aware of their own class interests.

    So maybe your view of Marxism is tainted by online retärds and ultraleftists. Traditionally, Marxism was always about both reforms and revolutions, not just one without the other.

    i feel like the majority of people in my generation who identify as socialists are electorally nihilistic

    this is just based off what i see on social media tho obviously the less dramatic ppl arent gonna be whats trending on twitter

  • Dec 22, 2021

    1. It won't be the success of socialist nations that gets the ball rolling but rather the failure of capitalist nations in the future.

    2. Marxism doesn't mean just revolutionary phrase-mongering and so on. Karl Marx himself (if we wanna get to the source) advocated for both short-term reforms and long-term systemic changes in the form of a revolution. Karl Marx wrote a party program for the French Worker's Party and had stuff in it like "equal pay for both genders", "minimum wage according to living expenses of workers", "no foreigner shall be hired with a wage less than domestic workers" and so on, all goals that would have been great for French workers at the time (and still are) but wouldn't necessarily need a revolution to be passed.

    In fact, you do need short-term reforms and community organizing to gain trust and support. For example, the 3rd largest town in Austria now has a communist mayor. She and the party there had a hotline for tenants and helped them out if their landlords made trouble. The people came to trust the communists there and gave them their vote.

    Now obviously, communism won't be enacted through the ballet box. But you have to start somewhere and most Marxists never opposed partaking in elections. Lenin himself stated that communists should partake in elections and also engage in reforms so as to gain the trust of the people and guide them towards communism by making them aware of their own class interests.

    So maybe your view of Marxism is tainted by online retärds and ultraleftists. Traditionally, Marxism was always about both reforms and revolutions, not just one without the other.

    also yes this is all fair but at that point were really talking about semantics

    when i say socialist im coming from a very western perspective which i feel like we can all understand

    but sure im not against any short term or long term reforms i definitely encourage them but i feel like the way we hold onto these titles and s*** really take away from the messaging of these reforms, which affects their viability in the booth, which in turn prolongs class struggles

    my whole thing is sure we can praise socialist thinkers and revolutionaries over their philosophies and attempts at change but the way some ppl on this site and on the internet in general defend some of the wildest s*** because from their moral perspective its a means to a end doesnt sit well with me

    and ik im stretching beyond “if socialism was based itd be dominant” but tbh thats really what i mean, its a simplified response to simplified and reductionist views on what markets do and how we should react to them

  • Oct 14, 2022


    central planning gets you hard results in the short term when youre building up from being either completely bombed out, or an agrarian pre-industrial society. you get to skip a lot of steps. you eventually run out of juice though when you have to start contending with consumer goods beyond just developing industrial capacity. USSR hit this roadblock

    before the ussr entered stagnation, some of the most popular econ textbooks were literally arguing the superiority of their system, the idea that western economic thought has always vilified central planning is fallacious. it took the actual failing of it for this bent to fall in popularity.

    you will encounter the economic calculation problem

    as for cybernetics, ill have to read those articles. in principle it sounds way more workable than central planning, by a long shot, i still have some concerns for individual freedoms but that could just be me on my lib s***

    What’s to say central planning can be used to fulfill consumer demand just as much as wider societal demand? Isn’t one inextricably tied to another ?

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Yeah .. his worldview is really full of contradictions

    That's what being a mindless contrarian does to a mf

    This is powerful of what's going on the last two weeks

  • Oct 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Yeah .. his worldview is really full of contradictions

    That's what being a mindless contrarian does to a mf

    If you only knew how bad things would get

  • Oct 14, 2022
    Water Giver

    This is powerful of what's going on the last two weeks

    2020 vision

  • sponge 🧽
    Oct 14, 2022

    Nigga everything just gon start melting one day

    "One day"
    We're in the midst!

  • Oct 14, 2022


  • Oct 14, 2022

    dope article

    i think its obvious that this is satire and the market shouldnt be given so much power. people have to understand the market and control it to some extent. but now im a communist

  • Nov 12, 2022


  • Nov 13, 2022
    1 reply

    good article.

    Yes, the market is our modern day God.

    Yes, this is closer than a mere a***ogy, the market is our incarnation of God.

    any of you who claim to be christian should know that the market is an extension of God's Will, if we think along traditional christian logical lines.

  • Sep 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Goated article still gonna order the book soon

  • Sep 7, 2023

    markets can fail. any group acts in its interests

    markets are themselves social constructs, however they have shown themselves to have use

    libertarian market worship is dogma and results in disaster

  • Sep 7, 2023

    capitalism is a death cult

  • Sep 7, 2023

    Shoutout Womanpuncher69

  • Sep 7, 2023

    If you only knew how bad things would get

  • sponge 🧽
    Sep 7, 2023

    capitalis need to see these nuts as God

  • sponge 🧽
    Sep 7, 2023

    I'm going 2 hell

  • Sep 7, 2023
    Scratchin Mamba

    Goated article still gonna order the book soon

    Link wasn't working for me, what's the book?

  • Sep 27, 2023

    The uncertainty is what keeps them attached to it