No one is protected from people talking s*** about it wtf are you on
Dam Israel really isnt protected
Yeah you a paper chaser, you got the mosque on fire remaining halal, until the moment you expire
you know what it is, to turn from nothing into something, you handle your biz, and don’t be cryin and suffering
before covid jews were leading the league in hate crimes committed against them by wide margin
I neverstood why black people hate on islam, when their goats are Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X. Their whole life and mentality was based on Islam lol
Their African ancestors were also heavily Muslim
I wonder why there are so many Muslims in the black American community?
well Im a foreigner so I dont have a lot to say in this but christianity is so connected with white powers/ racism etc. so its easier to relate with islamic thoughts as a minority freedom fighter perhaps
besides Allah is the only true god and they are smart enough to realize that
I neverstood why black people hate on islam, when their goats are Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X. Their whole life and mentality was based on Islam lol
It’s different in places like France where most black people come from Muslim African countries or brown Africans from North Africa
i know how it is bro i was born and raised in belgium
So what's did I say wrong then? Do you know what the word assimilate means ?
This s*** is exactly why religion is a joke to me keep fighting y’all ima go walk my dog
He has swag
Surprised thread isn’t locked yet
mods sleep
So what's did I say wrong then? Do you know what the word assimilate means ?
i know what you're trying to say but s*** doesn't work like that
well Im a foreigner so I dont have a lot to say in this but christianity is so connected with white powers/ racism etc. so its easier to relate with islamic thoughts as a minority freedom fighter perhaps
besides Allah is the only true god and they are smart enough to realize that
The God in the Gospel and Torah are Allah, tho. I think the statement “Islam is the only truly monotheistic religion” is more accurate
Yea but thats racists being racists trump admin and any other admin will always get on their knees for israel its tradition now
I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy in the west with that Israel post not start some s***. Oops!