This is how I feel about politics
or literally anything else people fight over
Facts. I just wanna come home after work, crack open a beer, and beat my wife.
This s*** is exactly why religion is a joke to me keep fighting y’all ima go walk my dog
Rookie mistake not separating Islam from some bad Muslims who have misinterpreted it along the way.
I know you ain’t gonna let a devil come and punk u ha
Stunt and front u ha
Straight up front u ha
This s*** is exactly why religion is a joke to me keep fighting y’all ima go walk my dog
Bro your so cool
ofcourse youd post this
bombing palestinian children to own the libs on ktt2
Yessir. Probably why African Americans convert to Islam more than any other race in America, statistically
Nah it's not probably it is exactly why most black people don't really associate Islam with the middle East they associate it with black Americans reclaiming themselves.
Too most Americans it's a foreign religion but to black African Americans it's viewed as closely tied to our history in this country.