i remember browsing /mu/ for a bit in the early 2010s because i'd get good recs every once in a while but eventually i just stopped because the place was unbearable just horrible energy overall
now fast forward to 2024 everywhere got the same energy facebook is unhinged old people, twitter is just terrible now with elon, youtube algo radicalizing folks, instagram and tiktok not that much better
how the hell this happened man
obv these people always existed but i feel like in the past they would hide, now they dont give a s***
people dont even be anonymous anymore they got their face and full govt name on social media saying some unhinged s***
I'm sure a political science student can break it down real nice for ya, but here's a dumb nigga perspective: The world's gotten less empathetic
Being a basement dwelling socially inept loser spread like wildfire as the internet became more ubiquitous
Conservative media is everywhere now they done took over social media. It’s one of the reasons Trump won lowkey
Everyone sitting at home during COVID was the acceleration point
Gamergate moreso
twitter was always horrible but lot of ppl def act like 4channers now
political sphere of twitter has changed massively
Honestly I disagree it’s always been like this to a degree but the combination of bots, engagement boosting by pushing those comments to the top of your TLs and monetization has just amplified it. Internet was definitely edgy as f*** dating back to like AIM chat rooms at least my earliest anecdotal experiences
I do highkey wish there was a good Twitter alternative to go to . It’s impossible to avoid racist and/or hateful posts on Twitter now
All of the above + with so much of social media centered around engagement, outrage content is an easy way to get clicks. This has led to the proliferation of edgier and more controversial content.
I do highkey wish there was a good Twitter alternative to go to . It’s impossible to avoid racist and/or hateful posts on Twitter now
blue sky
Well at least specifically for Twitter, when Elon took over and it became more lax on their rules, society's rejects that populated 4Chan made their way to Twitter.
I do highkey wish there was a good Twitter alternative to go to . It’s impossible to avoid racist and/or hateful posts on Twitter now
I use Threads. Much more peaceful on there because not many use it. To me it's at that perfect sweet spot of enough users so it doesn't feel empty, but not too many where it just feels like noise.