  • Oct 16, 2023

    Go to the downtown part of your city and start conflicts

  • Oct 16, 2023

    I was not encouraging losing sleep or making yourself suffer. I make good money and still get a good night’s rest. But it took me a lot of work to get there. I was just telling yall the things I did to mature and come into my own. This isn’t a one size fits all kind of thing. If it came off that way that’s my bad. I never want anyone to cause themselves trauma. In fact I even suggest talking about it in order to address it. For any who may misunderstood my earlier post.

  • Oct 16, 2023
    1 reply

    seriously been considering going into the trades lately tbh, and nah bro we don't take it that way at all, we appreciate it fr

    Go for it. Best decision I made in my 20s.

  • Oct 17, 2023

    griffith is actually the softest in berserk

    OP is already soft I think Griffith is his limit

  • Oct 17, 2023

    U tried lsd? Or dmt?

    I've done lsd which i love. lost my plug though since i moved back from college

    ive been practicing nonduality through meditation alone but adhd mind makes it a struggle fs

  • Oct 17, 2023

    Can u break for a bit?

    ill try

  • Oct 17, 2023
    1 reply

    1) masculinely is a vague term, you can tell by the responses in this thread..
    people telling you stand up straight and make eye contact
    others saying you need to beat up random people
    others saying you should start doing a sport
    others telling you to show no emotions

    2) any general advice like this probably isn't what you're looking for, you need to figure out what you're actually missing from your life and how you personally can adapt and change, some cliche self help bs or beating up randos isn't what you need

    if you're overly emotional get to the root of it and try to correct that feeling.. i also don't really see what that has to do with being a "hard tough man" that can apply to women also, being overly emo is annoying to most people

  • Oct 17, 2023
    1 reply
    oat milk

    a lot tbh

    This also plays a role. Idk, I just feel like my voice is "softer" while I'm high, probably because of cotton mouth. And I'm making eye contact less because I don't want people to notice that I'm high. Can also kill your motivation and make you do lazy s*** instead of spending your time productively

  • Oct 17, 2023


  • Oct 17, 2023
    Chubby Gambino

    This also plays a role. Idk, I just feel like my voice is "softer" while I'm high, probably because of cotton mouth. And I'm making eye contact less because I don't want people to notice that I'm high. Can also kill your motivation and make you do lazy s*** instead of spending your time productively

    yo actually same. it makes me very reserved and introverted. same thing with my voice and general demeanor.

    guess i can start there

  • Zokkon

    Watch/read berserk and model yourself after Griffith

  • 001

    buy a leather jacket

  • Oct 17, 2023
    1 reply

    also thoughts on avoidant relationship behavior?

  • Oct 17, 2023
    1 reply
    oat milk

    i struggle with confidence and neediness. in my body language, the way i speak, my demeanor in general.

    this thread is hilarious.

    you're hilarious lol.

  • Oct 17, 2023

    this thread is hilarious.

    you're hilarious lol.

  • neon

    1) masculinely is a vague term, you can tell by the responses in this thread..
    people telling you stand up straight and make eye contact
    others saying you need to beat up random people
    others saying you should start doing a sport
    others telling you to show no emotions

    2) any general advice like this probably isn't what you're looking for, you need to figure out what you're actually missing from your life and how you personally can adapt and change, some cliche self help bs or beating up randos isn't what you need

    if you're overly emotional get to the root of it and try to correct that feeling.. i also don't really see what that has to do with being a "hard tough man" that can apply to women also, being overly emo is annoying to most people

    somebody gets it.

    some of the toughest niggas I know are feminine women.

    all the masculinity and feminine talk that goes on in society is strictly based off that alone, Societal response.

    Other than the obvious biological differences that we have, nothing is set in stone.

    ask someone to describe what manhood is without bringing up the ability to protect or to fight or provide (because these 3 factors that are always brought up are things that everyone regardless of what you are can do) and watch niggas start short circuiting like that Johnny 5 nigga

  • Melz ⚜️
    Oct 17, 2023
    oat milk

    also thoughts on avoidant relationship behavior?

    I definitely have fearful avoidant behaviors

    I’ve been trying to fight them a lot recently. Takes a lot of self reflection and figuring out what really matters

  • Oct 17, 2023

    i just wanna say that soft and masculine (based off what ur saying) are only opposite sides of a spectrum if you're pursuing a form of masculinity that turns you into a robot who's only allowed to express anger. havent read the full thread but sounds like you can get what you want and still be what could be considered soft imo

  • Oct 17, 2023

    don't use any substances

    look you need to put yourself in position that are uncomfortable (not dangerous) and see how you deal with it to build confidence and self belief that you can do something

    for example go to the gym. it's not about bench pressing 300lbs it's about proving to yourself you can commit to something to better yourself

    don't eat fast food, cook at home. Start with a basic recipe and keep building up your skills. It's not about being chef ramsay it's about caring for yourself and doing something youre not good at

    join a rec league even if you suck at sports. Being in a team would help so much being with likeminded people trying to accomplish something

    don't waste time online looking for validation, do things in real life to better yourself. it's about the journey not the result
