  • Feb 22, 2020
  • proper 🔩
    Feb 22, 2020

    I went to jury duty a couple months ago and s*** was lit fam just go.

    they make you fill out a form that asks questions based on the trial and I guess one of my answers excused me from jury duty but it still took like 5 days to get my name called.

    was off hella norcos and was smoking weed during the lunch breaks

    they even paid me like 50 bucks for my time

  • Feb 22, 2020

    Yeah they don't want anyone on the jury who will tell other jurors about the power of jury nullification. I mean throw everything at them, act racist and say all cops are b******s and that you cant wait to use your jury nullification and then start muttering in arabic or something lmfaoooo