  • Nov 12, 2019

    Make breakfast every morning, potentially do some exercise.

    For lunch take part of your break to meditate, do some minor exercise (stretching, pushups, ect), writing, drawing, ect. Don't just spend your break eating or being on your phone.

    After work go directly to the gym, grocery store, park, bar, ect. If you go home maybe a 10% chance youll go back out.

    When you do finally get home, put your phone/comp away for a bit and just unwind for half an hour.

    On the weekends, make sure to keep active with hobbies. Its tempting to just sleep or play videogames, but try and stay decently active.

    Thanks a ton! Yeah man meditating during lunch is important. Keeping center.

  • Nov 12, 2019

    i dont have a 9-5 but from what i know from older family members, they try to spend 2 out of their 5 days working out of the house for as long as possible, whether it's gym or leisure or family. For the other 3 works days, they try to spend one day at home being productive and the other two half in half out

    weekends are free game for either for them

    that might not be great advice but time management is deff big

  • Dis me right now.
    I'm not tryna be locked in an office building all day.