You can still see them
Yea but 30 minute drive compared to a 6 hour drive or a plane ticket is different.
Everyone can save up.. lame exscuse
not an excuse I’m just calling a spade a spade
Some people like living near their family
This the only logical reason to stay in your hometown tbh
some people are happier surrounded by friends and family and we should all do what makes us happy. the moment i left home to live at university was when i realised how much i enjoyed living alone. i like travelling so living alone (away from fam) + living abroad is what i’ve always wanted to do.
that makes me happiest
some people are happier surrounded by friends and family and we should all do what makes us happy. the moment i left home to live at university was when i realised how much i enjoyed living alone. i like travelling so living alone (away from fam) + living abroad is what i’ve always wanted to do.
that makes me happiest
I feel you , guess im wired different then most since i been moving all the time since i was like 7
It's called poverty
It's called poverty
You still can save up and move after a few years if u want
Some people like living near their family
a.k.a they too broke to leave
Yeah every 27 something living with his mom is staying because they love their mom too much.
Who cares
Yeah every 27 something living with his mom is staying because they love their mom too much.
Oh if theyre living with their parents yea, but if they live on their own and choose to live close then thats another story.