  • Dying2Live

    I am judging, f*** nigga! If you listen to music critically, you are judging it!

    I get it though. You are taking this thread as another opportunity to try to intellectually d***-measure.

    Please engage in conversations in good faith instead of turning to personal attacks. We're all KTT2 here, f*** nigga!

    So if you listen to music critically you can’t enjoy Jay Z, 50, Biggie, three 6, etc?

    You must be one of those pretentious Tyler the creator fans

  • Dying2Live

    Hello, f*** niggas!

    For my first thread, I wanted to ask a you guys a question. How do y'all listen to a whole album of trap/gangsta rap music?

    I ask because I cannot imagine listening to that type of lyrical content or sonic soundscape for an extended period of time, especially outside of a club setting.

    Please discuss.

    in the car .

  • rip Trouble

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    Jim Halpert

    Thug motivation 101 is incredible

    Get rich or die tryin is incredible

    The Infamous is incredible

    American Gangster is incredible

    The Recession is incredible

    Hell I think Rodeo is incredible

    Thanks for engaging, f*** nigga!

    "Rodeo" is the only album you listed that I enjoyed in its entirety.

    But that's because it's exceptional, as in it's the exception to the rule that trap albums are usually not good.

    Also, "Rodeo" isn't built on a trap sonic pallet from front to back.

    Can you tell me what you liked about "Get Rich or Die Tryin" though, f*** nigga? As I get older, I like the album less and less.

    (Also, please specify if you are Black or not because that will undoubtably affect your perspective on gangsta rap).

  • mustardonthezeusho

    Working out to this s*** is elite

    Despite working out myself, I didn't consider how many people used this sort of music to exercise. Makes sense, f*** nigga!

    Admittedly, I work out to Charlie Wilson and s***.

  • Poolboy Q

    This gimmick<

    I liked it at frst

  • mishima

    Future and Young Thug have a lot quirks in their style that make it bearable for me. 21 Savage is blunt with a hilarious delivery.

    I respect Future and Young Thug as vocalists and consider them pioneers in the trap genre. I still can't listen to a whole album front to back though, f*** nigga. I even had to give "DS2" a pause halfway through before finishing it (and I was a lot younger back then).

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    Big Tobacco

    Do you know how many different artists and sounds fall under the umbrella of gangsta rap? Might as well just said “how do you guys listen to rap albums”

    And there’s also a wealth of specifically trap albums and tapes that are great top to bottom

    Thanks for replying, f*** nigga!

    When I talk about gangsta rap, I am talking about any rap music that promotes or sensationalizes criminality, misogyny, and violence.

    Growing up, you think this type of content is normal. As you grow older, you realize how abnormal it is to be reciting lyrics and dancing to songs celebrating Black people berating and killing other Black people.

  • Poolboy Q

    This gimmick<

    Should I turn heel on you then, f*** nigga?

  • @op hows soup bae been

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    teku izing

    op obviously not black

    What makes you assume this, f*** nigga?

    Is it because this site statistically has more white users?

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    I liked it at frst

    People are dynamic and feelings are temporary, f*** nigga. Maybe you'll like me again some day...

  • Dying2Live

    Thanks for engaging, f*** nigga!

    "Rodeo" is the only album you listed that I enjoyed in its entirety.

    But that's because it's exceptional, as in it's the exception to the rule that trap albums are usually not good.

    Also, "Rodeo" isn't built on a trap sonic pallet from front to back.

    Can you tell me what you liked about "Get Rich or Die Tryin" though, f*** nigga? As I get older, I like the album less and less.

    (Also, please specify if you are Black or not because that will undoubtably affect your perspective on gangsta rap).

    "it's the exception to the rule that trap albums are usually not good."

    DS2 out now

  • Malakas

    It was funny in that pinhead larry thread on L&A

  • Dying2Live

    Thanks for engaging, f*** nigga!

    "Rodeo" is the only album you listed that I enjoyed in its entirety.

    But that's because it's exceptional, as in it's the exception to the rule that trap albums are usually not good.

    Also, "Rodeo" isn't built on a trap sonic pallet from front to back.

    Can you tell me what you liked about "Get Rich or Die Tryin" though, f*** nigga? As I get older, I like the album less and less.

    (Also, please specify if you are Black or not because that will undoubtably affect your perspective on gangsta rap).

    "it's the exception to the rule that trap albums are usually not good."

    DS2 out now

  • Trap too tame for me might as well be gospel, I only listen to demon crash out rappers, real Beelzebub type s***

  • ·
    1 reply

    What makes you assume this, f*** nigga?

    Is it because this site statistically has more white users?

    because of your cartoonish overuse of nigga.

    sounds like rhyming rhino/ayekay type vibes

  • Free YoungBoy

    So if you listen to music critically you can’t enjoy Jay Z, 50, Biggie, three 6, etc?

    You must be one of those pretentious Tyler the creator fans

    That's not what I said, f*** nigga.

    I said when you (as in people as a whole) are listening to musically critically, you (as in everyone) are judging it.

    How I judge something and how you judge something will be totally different based on our own biases and beliefs. You may walk away seeing the artistic value in something that I think is trash.

    Please work on your literacy, f*** nigga!

  • Dying2Live

    People are dynamic and feelings are temporary, f*** nigga. Maybe you'll like me again some day...

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    moms had the angry snowman cd in her jeep dawg

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    because of your cartoonish overuse of nigga.

    sounds like rhyming rhino/ayekay type vibes

    Ah, I see, f*** nigga.

    Your assumption is a safe one, but like I said earlier, that are exceptions to every rule, f*** nigga.

  • ·
    1 reply

    Trap too tame for me might as well be gospel, I only listen to demon crash out rappers, real Beelzebub type s***


  • ·
    2 replies

    Ah, I see, f*** nigga.

    Your assumption is a safe one, but like I said earlier, that are exceptions to every rule, f*** nigga.

    tf u even from
