I’ve been looking into it crazy for the past few days so I know the steps I need to take, but I wanna know from y’all if there’s any prime or slept on ways to do it.
What’s some crazy dreams you’ve had if you’re able to do it? tryna get to astral projection too but that might be a pipe dream
Start with no fap, once you have full control of yourself, you can control anything
Start with no fap, once you have full control of yourself, you can control anything
day 2 of no fap
Start with no fap, once you have full control of yourself, you can control anything
did that no nut november s*** last year, all i had was nightmares.
every day i broke my legs, and every night i broke my arms
op tryna have crazy s***in his dreams
feel like lucid dreaming is easy to trigger. i practiced it enough to do it when i wanted to but i could never stay long enough for it to be worth it. it felt like 2 minutes i was lucid dreaming the next 20 i was in sleep paralysis. kept jumping in and out.
only astral projected once which is very interesting.. i really saw myself sleeping and left. didn't last long only made it past the front door onto the street before waking up. it's definitely possible.
all i remember to trigger it was laying flat like you're in a coffin, hands to your sides, clear mind kind of focusing on your body parts, fingers/toes?, then your chest will start to feel heavy and your body feels like it's shaking. felt like someone was sitting on your chest. i still had control at this point and could stop the whole thing just by getting up but the shaking just confirmed i was doing it right. full send.
that astral projection was the last time i tried to do either which was like 4 years ago. it blew my mind but it also scared me cause idk what i was messing with or how that s*** can be explained.
this seems like the same instructions i followed
the "lifting out" process can be hard to conceptualize.
page also said athletes would astral project to work on their game during sleep
good luck
You have to be getting good amounts of sleep in the first place
Waking up and going back to sleep is a guarantee to have more dreams and if you wake up early enough in the cycle you’ll literally fall into lucid dreaming.
Your brain is like a machine that s*** is consistent, there’s no mystical secret it’s really as simple as training your body to fall into the right sleep cycles.
Every time I’ve done it it was an accident and I was sleeping on my back
I heard sleeping on your back is pivotal