  • barry dillon

    yeah true my example kinda ass now lol

    still a song worth posting yfm

    yeah it was lmao
    that song is one of my fave oat so u made me second guess me a little bit but i knew the og

  • Feb 12
    3 replies

    love when you can tell whose literacy capabilities don’t exceed preschool level on this site

    u asked a question and i answered it like suck my d*** from behind while im farting

  • Feb 12
    1 reply
    Ariana Spice

    u asked a question and i answered it like suck my d*** from behind while im farting

    Spice !

  • Feb 12
    1 reply
    Ariana Spice

    u asked a question and i answered it like suck my d*** from behind while im farting

    did you read the title past the first 9 words, or anything in the op? because if you did, you’d see why i called you illiterate

  • Feb 12

    Spice !

    the clapbacker

  • Kinda crazy if people condemn someone like R Kelly and then go sing s*** like “Aaliyah’s got it” because they “separate the art from the artist” lmao

    The art is an extension of the artist. So no, I don’t think it’s possible.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    did you read the title past the first 9 words, or anything in the op? because if you did, you’d see why i called you illiterate

    i read ur entire post and then proceeded to lay down my take this is ktt

  • Ariana Spice

    i read ur entire post and then proceeded to lay down my take this is ktt

    respect for doubling down on it tbh

  • k dog 99

    We all hypocrites lets be real

    k dog 99? more like k dot 99

    i’m the biggest hypocrite of 2015

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    don’t care about the personal lives of any artist besides my fav

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    don’t care about the personal lives of any artist besides my fav

    okay but when the art is about their personal lives, you can’t avoid that when listening to the art

  • Feb 12

    Stop expecting perfect morality from artists, or from human beings at all for that matter.

    Accept who they are and from there choose to either indulge or avoid.

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    for example, it’s easy to separate Chris Brown from his music because he doesn’t sing about beating/stalking his exes, but R. Kelly’s discography is full of “love” songs that are clearly about teenagers

    i don’t think Playboi Carti raps about shooting a gun at his ex gf in his music, so it’s easy to overlook that, but many of Kanye’s recent lyrics are about how he’s still successful after getting allegedly canceled, so it’s difficult to overlook that when trying to enjoy the music for just how it sounds

    “R. Kelly’s discography is full of “love” songs that are clearly about teenagers“

    When I’m listening to his songs I’m not thinking about teenagers

  • Free YoungBoy

    I pick and choose based on who the artist is but ultimately idc either way.

  • FlyHiii

    I couldn’t care less personally. Since you can’t stay consistent in the context of every artist that has ever lived. Also great art is great art. I wouldn’t enjoy a film or piece of music less because I found out the person who made it is a POS. Art stands on its own

  • If I like a song, I like it. I can't control what my ears do

  • Should've been on the album

  • DaeHan

    “R. Kelly’s discography is full of “love” songs that are clearly about teenagers“

    When I’m listening to his songs I’m not thinking about teenagers

    “lil cute Aaliyah’s got it” about then-12-year-old Aaliyah doesn’t put you off?

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    okay but when the art is about their personal lives, you can’t avoid that when listening to the art

    i use to take the accountability stuff serious but when i realized a lot of ppl are hypocrites i stopped caring

    for me s***ty behavior is something i can overlook if the music sounds good enough. lines can be drawn ofc. i chose to assume most artists are horrible ppl anyways

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    i use to take the accountability stuff serious but when i realized a lot of ppl are hypocrites i stopped caring

    for me s***ty behavior is something i can overlook if the music sounds good enough. lines can be drawn ofc. i chose to assume most artists are horrible ppl anyways

    okay but you’re completely ignoring the entire question

    this thread isn’t about “should we listen to music from s***ty people”

    it’s about when the music is about the s***ty things they’ve done

  • dont know them personally but do keep the info in the back of my mind

  • ImAUsernameLike

    okay but you’re completely ignoring the entire question

    this thread isn’t about “should we listen to music from s***ty people”

    it’s about when the music is about the s***ty things they’ve done

    i just ignore it for the most part. can’t think of any artists where the contents of there music bothered me to the point i had to stop listening

  • I ain’t never meet King Von
    For some reason, I f*** with King Von
    Rest in peace to King Von
    Punch a b**** in they face like King Von

  • Feb 12
    1 reply

    you don’t separate them

    you either accept the artist with all their flaws & their work or you don’t


    If you feel morally conflicted then that’s something you personally deal with which is understandable but again it’s a personal thing

  • Feb 12
    1 reply
    barry dillon
    · edited

    ngl even in the r kelly context the music speaks to me. like im fully weirded out over dude's relationship with aaliyah n he literally sang at your best about that sht. but the song is just so undeniably good that it stands on its own. helps when there's a good cover I can listen to instead of Robert tho lol. ik isley brothers wrote it


    "at your best" is an isley brothers cover mane! but "age aint nothing but a number" should def be exiled lmao