  • Like okay if you like basketball . You might just be a youngin who got a jersey for Christmas at the age of seven so you go on YouTube and google “ James lakers “ because you’re 7 and don’t know bruh first name so you just literally doing the grandma style one hand keyboard punch-in of whatever buttons on the laptop correspond to whatever is visible on the Jersey because you’re 7 and do you really and truly know how to read read ? Anyways the first video you click on is Stephen a smith trying to explain to you why lebron is not the goat , then you watch a highlight reel and niggas is having that same discussion in the comments , then you go to school and this giant 5’6 5th grader bullies tf outta you because why does your Jersey got a adidas logo and not the Nike one ?

    It’s like bruh for me I have the things I’m passionate about because I was introduced to them in certain ways , like going to a baseball game in rfk stadium and sitting in a section basically by myself , I mean no one was going to those games at one point . And the world might as well been a***og back then because if we didn’t get that channel with the baseball games on the cheapest cable package available there’s no way I’ll ever get to see it .

    But now everything comes with the super cynicism of online echo chambers where even if you like and value something there’s a thousand people trying to tell you why that thing ain’t even all that and actually it sucks and you are this and that if you believe in it ,

  • Aug 1, 2023
    4 replies

    you have depression

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Get a job

  • Aug 1, 2023

    My solution? Don't engage in "Fandom", especially online.

  • ”But now everything comes with the super cynicism of online echo chambers where even if you like and value something there’s a thousand people trying to tell you why that thing ain’t even all that and actually it sucks and you are this and that if you believe in it ,”

    f*** them niggas lmao, half the time people don’t even know what they’re genuinely interested in or even like because they’re so caught up in copping social points for hating or not enjoying something and vice versa

    take pride in your taste and interests chief

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Last part is about davidp

  • Theory Talk Trader

    you have depression

  • Aug 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Theory Talk Trader

    you have depression

    nah its a fair point hes making tbh

    people are looking for dopamine anywhere and everywhere now lol they cant just let others enjoy things anymore

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Kinda wish you didn’t say basketball cus I physically can’t enjoy that anymore

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Sounds like youre depressed, cynical & care too much about s*** like "FOMA" or "discourse"

  • Aug 1, 2023
    1 reply

    RFK?? God damn how old are you nigga

  • Aug 1, 2023

    I am sure the children will adapt and overcome as all generations since have with technological advancement

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Chronically online niggas is the minority

    Remember that

    Most people dont give a f*** and/or only "tune in" once in a while, also most people watch stuff for opinions they agree with, not opinions they continually disagree with

    Same reason why music section is out of touch and wrong 90 percent of the time & get in shock about it every time

    Chronically online niggas that think theyre the majority

  • Aug 1, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    you have depression

  • Smoke weed and start looking at the dollar bill.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Aug 2, 2023


  • Aug 2, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    you have depression

  • Aug 2, 2023

    Learn to tune all that out and tune into your own interests and desires. Cause why the f*** not? Why should these people have any authority on how you live your life? Most people who try to do this are dissatisfied with something in their own life and are too far gone to realize it. Misery loves company this is basic s***.

    We only have one life and we’re on borrowed time.

    @ your last paragraph: f*** them they could die slow. Life and the human experience is a beautiful and unique privilege. Yours to explore and shape to your will. Do you, unapologetically. @op .

  • Aug 2, 2023

    you stop giving a f*** what others think or say and like what you like because you like it

  • Aug 2, 2023

    you worship "engels"?

  • Aug 2, 2023

    ok nvm i thought you were talking about mengele for a second

  • Aug 5, 2023

    RFK?? God damn how old are you nigga


  • Aug 5, 2023

    if you think I have depression , maybe I do or don’t but that would be missing the point of what I tried to say , which admittedly Im not sure I was able to do in a clear way just because it felt impossible to do so in a concise way

    Basically tho , I am not lamenting anything or seeking advice as a solution to a problem , but rather i am genuinely curious how in the internet era , people really identify as fans of Andrew tate or a ben shapiro type of personality , or political supporters of donald trump , etc.

    Is their love for these people doubling as rose tinted glasses that either cause them to just completely ignore any of what they may perceive to be work as far as being critical of these people , or can it be chalked up to that feeling that I imagine most of us on this forum have had as people with eclectic music tastes , where you see something you like getting roasted or whatever the case maybe , and yet all that does is draw you in even more than if the opposite were occurring .

    My last question was less of a yes no thing and more open ended ; what else is going on in the mind of that person who may or may not be aware of how awful Candace owens can be , yet chooses to f*** with her regardless ?

  • Aug 5, 2023

    someone unfamiliar with an athlete trying to look them up and landing immediately on a stephen a video is hilarious

  • Aug 5, 2023
    1 reply

    take adderall u will enjoy everything again trust