nah its a fair point hes making tbh
people are looking for dopamine anywhere and everywhere now lol they cant just let others enjoy things anymore
You're all depressed.
Sorry but you sound anhedonic
i was commenting on other people i didnt say anything about myself
i was commenting on other people i didnt say anything about myself
Sorry! Meant to quote OP lol
Like okay if you like basketball . You might just be a youngin who got a jersey for Christmas at the age of seven so you go on YouTube and google “ James lakers “ because you’re 7 and don’t know bruh first name so you just literally doing the grandma style one hand keyboard punch-in of whatever buttons on the laptop correspond to whatever is visible on the Jersey because you’re 7 and do you really and truly know how to read read ? Anyways the first video you click on is Stephen a smith trying to explain to you why lebron is not the goat , then you watch a highlight reel and niggas is having that same discussion in the comments , then you go to school and this giant 5’6 5th grader bullies tf outta you because why does your Jersey got a adidas logo and not the Nike one ?
It’s like bruh for me I have the things I’m passionate about because I was introduced to them in certain ways , like going to a baseball game in rfk stadium and sitting in a section basically by myself , I mean no one was going to those games at one point . And the world might as well been a***og back then because if we didn’t get that channel with the baseball games on the cheapest cable package available there’s no way I’ll ever get to see it .
But now everything comes with the super cynicism of online echo chambers where even if you like and value something there’s a thousand people trying to tell you why that thing ain’t even all that and actually it sucks and you are this and that if you believe in it ,
Sorry but you sound anhedonic
this is a crazy made up scenario
i never watch anything sports related on youtube and looking up laker james it’s nothing but highlight reels and praise
Ngl you sound mentally fragile
If there’s one thing ppl are good at doing online it’s hating and complaining, It’s like a ‘default’ mindset here. If you’re confident about liking what you like they can’t touch you
Howling at @op being in the trenches trying to get a glimpse of Ryan Zimmerman
Sorry but you sound anhedonic
I definitely am no hedonist that’s for sure
Ngl you sound mentally fragile
If there’s one thing ppl are good at doing online it’s hating and complaining, It’s like a ‘default’ mindset here. If you’re confident about liking what you like they can’t touch you
Really man
I feel like u def misunderstood what I was trying to say
This was about those people who are so narrow minded that they unironically become true fans / supporters of Andrew Tate , Ben Shapiro , and even to a lesser extent joe Rogan - esque rhetoric when everyone every where is providing them with hella valid reasons as to why they shouldn’t even give people like that the time of day
Like okay if you like basketball . You might just be a youngin who got a jersey for Christmas at the age of seven so you go on YouTube and google “ James lakers “ because you’re 7 and don’t know bruh first name so you just literally doing the grandma style one hand keyboard punch-in of whatever buttons on the laptop correspond to whatever is visible on the Jersey because you’re 7 and do you really and truly know how to read read ? Anyways the first video you click on is Stephen a smith trying to explain to you why lebron is not the goat , then you watch a highlight reel and niggas is having that same discussion in the comments , then you go to school and this giant 5’6 5th grader bullies tf outta you because why does your Jersey got a adidas logo and not the Nike one ?
It’s like bruh for me I have the things I’m passionate about because I was introduced to them in certain ways , like going to a baseball game in rfk stadium and sitting in a section basically by myself , I mean no one was going to those games at one point . And the world might as well been a***og back then because if we didn’t get that channel with the baseball games on the cheapest cable package available there’s no way I’ll ever get to see it .
But now everything comes with the super cynicism of online echo chambers where even if you like and value something there’s a thousand people trying to tell you why that thing ain’t even all that and actually it sucks and you are this and that if you believe in it ,
you need a kick in the ass
you need a kick in the ass
Oh yeah ? If that’s how u really feel then teach me a lesson or two DADDEH
@op if you’re really depressed I think you need to start consuming the right kinda media. My recommendations:
Daria all seasons + movies
True Detective S1
The dark knight (2008)
Joker (2019)
Fight club (1999)
American Psycho (1999)
Office Space (1999)
Duckman animated tv series
I’m cheering you on on your journey to becoming an indifferent misanthrope who harbors a subtle distaste for life and daydreams of a nuclear apocalypse in their lifetime. We’re all brothers in this
@op if you’re really depressed I think you need to start consuming the right kinda media. My recommendations:
Daria all seasons + movies
True Detective S1
The dark knight (2008)
Joker (2019)
Fight club (1999)
American Psycho (1999)
Office Space (1999)
Duckman animated tv series
I’m cheering you on on your journey to becoming an indifferent misanthrope who harbors a subtle distaste for life and daydreams of a nuclear apocalypse in their lifetime. We’re all brothers in this
American psycho I think is my second favorite movie of all time , a close second to Trainspotting 🫡