  • Aug 4, 2021

    This is a question for those who understands technicality in rap, how good is Wayne actually at technical rapping? When it comes to rhyming, 2015-present Wayne is God tier at that, like literally everything on For Nothing, Thought It Was A Drought, Abracadabra, Bloody Mary, Big Bad Wolf, Let It Fly, 2 Dollar Bill etc. rhymed but is the actual lyrics clever and have multiple meanings or is he rhyming for the sake of rhyming? Is he more technical than let's say Eminem or MF Doom?(i know Wayne's lyrics are very clever but still i don't understand technical rapping very well)

  • Aug 4, 2021
    2 replies

    this good

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Better than ever

  • Aug 4, 2021

    his still great its just his voice sometimes is bit iffy

    but stuff likes seeing green he sounded like vintage Wayne

  • Wayne, Royce & Em probably the best technical rappers alive rn

  • Aug 4, 2021

    this good


  • Aug 4, 2021

    he can rap well. his voice aint the same tho

    also he hasnt made great music in a while imo

  • Aug 4, 2021

    tune still going crazy

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    he has his great moments

    but he also has more sloppy moments and just overall weak bars

  • Aug 4, 2021

    this is a good song technically i think

  • Wayne the king of puns! The man comes up with new stuff till this day! Crazy!

  • Aug 4, 2021
    2 replies

    When he actually tries he sounds good and could still s*** on people if he really wanted to. But I think after a while when you make your mark you just don’t give af anymore. Every rapper loses their fire. Sometimes these old fires will surprise us and bolster anew a strong flame, a strong visage of their past, only to die out as quickly as it came. It’s beautiful hearing that they “still got it”. For some, like me, that’s enough. Others are insatiable and want as much as they can get, even if that means turning that flickering flame to ash.

  • Aug 4, 2021
    3 replies


  • Aug 4, 2021

    When he actually tries he sounds good and could still s*** on people if he really wanted to. But I think after a while when you make your mark you just don’t give af anymore. Every rapper loses their fire. Sometimes these old fires will surprise us and bolster anew a strong flame, a strong visage of their past, only to die out as quickly as it came. It’s beautiful hearing that they “still got it”. For some, like me, that’s enough. Others are insatiable and want as much as they can get, even if that means turning that flickering flame to ash.

  • Aug 4, 2021


    I kick, push straight forward, I hear Lupe flowin'

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    he's like a 7/10 after 2015
    b4 that he couldnt miss it was impossible

  • Aug 4, 2021

    he's like a 7/10 after 2015
    b4 that he couldnt miss it was impossible

    Nah he's better than he was in the early 2010's

    That was his weakest era, weak flow, sounded lazy af

  • Aug 4, 2021
    2 replies

    Voice energy and charisma have decayed over the years.

    Wit and technical skill have improved.

  • Aug 4, 2021

    Voice energy and charisma have decayed over the years.

    Wit and technical skill have improved.

    Pretty much, but lately he's shown improvements in the "voice energy" criteria

  • Aug 4, 2021


  • AGoodBoyo

    Voice energy and charisma have decayed over the years.

    Wit and technical skill have improved.

    charisma especially dresss has deppped so much 😭

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    he has his great moments

    but he also has more sloppy moments and just overall weak bars

    not since 2015. just say you haven't listened to him.

    2014- present wayne > 2010-2013 wayne

    a lot of people haven't actually listened recently and are basing it off of other people who havent been listening since 2010-2013

  • Aug 4, 2021

    When he actually tries he sounds good and could still s*** on people if he really wanted to. But I think after a while when you make your mark you just don’t give af anymore. Every rapper loses their fire. Sometimes these old fires will surprise us and bolster anew a strong flame, a strong visage of their past, only to die out as quickly as it came. It’s beautiful hearing that they “still got it”. For some, like me, that’s enough. Others are insatiable and want as much as they can get, even if that means turning that flickering flame to ash.

    wayne cares a lot about rapping not wo much about album making. its more about quality control where he lacks.

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Seeing Green verse sounds like a NC1 cut and I mean that as a complement. When he tries he can match anyone