Nobody in the US wants to hear a whole album of African inspired music from a traditional pop/r&b act
Nobody wants to hear beyonce's recent output in general...its become so lifeless
it's 2020 who cares about this washed b****
Lol unless you drop three forgettable tapes a year you're washed up on this site
Nobody wants to hear beyonce's recent output in general...its become so lifeless
I’d say the complete opposite, it’s just not music I wanna hear
LMAO 3 likes killing me
When it's a number that low, you can guess who they are lmao
Beyonce gets a lot of hate. Just not from the black community. But it's out there.
People also love to bring up the fact that she's dumb as rocks too.
! Williams is barely a person tho
Beyonce gets a lot of hate. Just not from the black community. But it's out there.
This. Only white and white adjacent niggas who didn’t grow up around black women say this s***
And miss me with “ad hominem” bs idc suck my balls
How bout her own singles tho?
She's released 2 side projects since Lemonade and they all flopped and made 0 noise
Well she's not in her peak anymore.
But she doesn't get criticism from the media. She only gets praise, really worshipped by the media. Everything she does it perfect to them.
But normal people like us will criticize her cuz no one is above criticism. She's not God lol. I do think she works a bit too hard to keep her image perfect. The way her team and the nedia brand her as this "greatest entertainer of all time" but she struggled to get hits by herself since 08, her album sales are great but not amazing... you get it.
There's a disconnect. People act like she's the hottest thing, but when music fans look at the charts and stats they get confused. That's where the most criticism comes from, other than whites when she started getting political
She’s also got the one of the most vicious fanbases who attack at the slightest bit of criticism
She’s also got the one of the most vicious fanbases who attack at the slightest bit of criticism
🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
she has faced some hate or criticism but she’s unstoppable
Her marketing/creative team works harder than the devil and kris Jong un if they joined efforts 😂
Well she's not in her peak anymore.
But she doesn't get criticism from the media. She only gets praise, really worshipped by the media. Everything she does it perfect to them.
But normal people like us will criticize her cuz no one is above criticism. She's not God lol. I do think she works a bit too hard to keep her image perfect. The way her team and the nedia brand her as this "greatest entertainer of all time" but she struggled to get hits by herself since 08, her album sales are great but not amazing... you get it.
There's a disconnect. People act like she's the hottest thing, but when music fans look at the charts and stats they get confused. That's where the most criticism comes from, other than whites when she started getting political
"he way her team and the nedia brand her as this "greatest entertainer of all time" but she struggled to get hits by herself since 08, her album sales are great but not amazing... you get it." -
Those 'titles' and 'superlatives' where she's perceived as a GOAT entertainer shouldn't be directly correlated to her commercial selling power and chart performance, imo.. Those type of praises that she received through the years where she's touted as this golden standard for entertaining and performing were always tied directly to the breadth and wealth of her talents and showmanships on stage. Beyonce has never been the greatest selling artist in any period of time..ever. The love and adoration/worship she gets was never about how much she sold or that she was hit darling (like rihanna), but because when it comes to live entertainment NO ONE could do it like her. It is the reason why you'd hear these proclamations after some huge performance that she's delivered and pop culture is reeling/buzzing about it. Despite ppl like Rihanna, Taylor, Gaga and Adele outdoing her in most commercial merits, they wouldn't receive those GOAT entertainer labels because what Beyonce brings to pop culture is perceived excellence. Her name/brand is synomonous with quality, consistency and work ethic. Her drive and cultivation of her talents is what drives these titles, not her numbers. The ppl that are confused as to why she's given this type of reverence most likely aren't familiar with 'her' or her 'craft' ..they just assume, 'oh because everyone talks about her, she most be this huge blockbuster commercial juggernaunt.. without any context as to WHY ppl hold her to such high regard.
I literally cant think of any artist/celeb who has had mainstream success this long to never been turned on by the public/media. Usually celebs/artists come in as darlings and get bigger and bigger until people get tired of seeing their success and find reasons to turn on them.How has she done it?
She was back in the day when DC changed from a group of 4 to 3, the media blamed her and her dad
"he way her team and the nedia brand her as this "greatest entertainer of all time" but she struggled to get hits by herself since 08, her album sales are great but not amazing... you get it." -
Those 'titles' and 'superlatives' where she's perceived as a GOAT entertainer shouldn't be directly correlated to her commercial selling power and chart performance, imo.. Those type of praises that she received through the years where she's touted as this golden standard for entertaining and performing were always tied directly to the breadth and wealth of her talents and showmanships on stage. Beyonce has never been the greatest selling artist in any period of time..ever. The love and adoration/worship she gets was never about how much she sold or that she was hit darling (like rihanna), but because when it comes to live entertainment NO ONE could do it like her. It is the reason why you'd hear these proclamations after some huge performance that she's delivered and pop culture is reeling/buzzing about it. Despite ppl like Rihanna, Taylor, Gaga and Adele outdoing her in most commercial merits, they wouldn't receive those GOAT entertainer labels because what Beyonce brings to pop culture is perceived excellence. Her name/brand is synomonous with quality, consistency and work ethic. Her drive and cultivation of her talents is what drives these titles, not her numbers. The ppl that are confused as to why she's given this type of reverence most likely aren't familiar with 'her' or her 'craft' ..they just assume, 'oh because everyone talks about her, she most be this huge blockbuster commercial juggernaunt.. without any context as to WHY ppl hold her to such high regard.
but they were still given to artists who were dominating in other aspects as well
And I myself never actually said anything negative about her from my opinion
I just think that is why people criticize her. The brand doesn't always fit. That abd her image is a bit too closed. People are shocked to hear what she sounded like as a kid, or any type of personal info about her. Her image is so curated it turns people off.
I remember when Homecoming came out one of my friends told me she thought the documentary parts about it felt a bit too curated. Like it wasn't the real deal or they only chose certain parts that atill fit herbinage if perfection. That's just how her team works and where a lot of the criticism comes from.
Her performances are gonna be more remembered than her music. Or at least her being a great performer will.