Please don’t lock as this is not bait. I genuinely do not understand why he’s rated so highly. What is his impact culturally or musically? Blonde is a cool album. Channel orange, another cool album.
Outside of this, what makes him so special? I don’t see how he isn’t regarded to be in a similar lane as PARTYNEXTDOOR (who I love) where he clearly has a lot of talent, but hasn’t made a large enough impact despite that talent. Neither really drops music or has a presence anywhere, outside of music.
Yah if you downplay how good his music is he sure is overrated lol
It’s really not that good
His only good album was in 2012
Idk how Blonde got put on such a high pedestal
Omg stand on your opinion and be forward with it. I hate this GUYS IM JUST ASKING, PLEASE NO BAIT IM ASKING IM JUST ASKING CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE
It’s really not that good
His only good album was in 2012
Idk how Blonde got put on such a high pedestal
Because Blonde tapped into a very popular aesthetic / scene (vapid fake-deep male art hoe) and did it very well
I think it's s***e but its popularity is no mystery
I think that a big part of what people love about Frank, whether they admit it or not, is the mystique and the fact that he does seem to just do whatever and not care how it makes them feel
Musically hes really f***ing good and his voice is one of the greatest oat
Hes just lazy and then tries to do way too much, just go out there an sing homie.
It’s really not that good
His only good album was in 2012
Idk how Blonde got put on such a high pedestal
Right lmao it literally has no drums
Because Blonde tapped into a very popular aesthetic / scene (vapid fake-deep male art hoe) and did it very well
I think it's s***e but its popularity is no mystery
Really good take, genuinely.
his albums are really f***ing good
they perfectly encapsulate the coolest parts of the cultural space he occupies, at least for the time when he made them. like Channel Orange is the coolest s*** out of 2012, distilled and perfectly packaged. very high production value too.
same goes for blonde. arguably no other album does a better job of capturing what 2016 was all about.
influence is a really really nebulous metric, its goofy asl to me when ppl try to rank artists based on that. The music is rlly good and emblematic of the time it was made. that's what matters
He’s fairly rated
Better than everyone