🥲 she bad too. Hotel is already paid too, just need my passport
Hit up the sketchy travel agency for that passport
Hit up the sketchy travel agency for that passport
Already paid my 200 at post office. I don’t want to have issues getting back in the US
damn korean consulate was like $60 expedited and s*** was here in like 2 weeks
my boy told me it took week and half... should have thought it out better
🥲 she bad too. Hotel is already paid too, just need my passport
lmao you paid for a hotel before even seeing if you could get into the country
the quest for p**** really drives men to great lengths do you even know if you'll smash when you get there?
lmao you paid for a hotel before even seeing if you could get into the country
the quest for p**** really drives men to great lengths do you even know if you'll smash when you get there?
it's 50/50 if I would smash too
Sucks this hot chick from Mexico invited me to a wedding. And then she wanted to show me where she is from
sounds like the plot for a Rom-Com starring Kevin hart
Dam. Looks like I’m missing out on this trip. It’s only been 12 days since I applied and sent all my paperwork. Was hoping to get it this week
I believe you can try and speak to someone about this and maybe be able to pay a good extra chunk of change to seriously expedite it so you get it before your trip.