Just bought Watch Dogs 2 for $8.99 because I was in the mood for an open world game, but goddammit I just can’t do it.
It’s just too cringe man.
Just bought Watch Dogs 2 for $8.99 because I was in the mood for an open world game, but goddammit I just can’t do it.
It’s just too cringe man.
That's my favorite one, but I have bought so many games on sale and either never played them or played 1-2 levels.
Agents of Mayhem
Kane and Lynch 1 and 2
Gotham Knights just to name a few
im very specifc
but there are a very few games i was interested and excited for that end up mid or straight up ass unfortunately, and some of them i didnt finish like Biomutant
but i dont ever buy anything off of a whim
Steam sales back in the day made it so easy. I had the BioShock 3 pack and didn’t play them for years.
im worse i buy full price games and barely play them
A lot of ps2 remasters for me lol they often just don’t stand up to my modern tastes even if I was obsessed with them back in the day
im worse i buy full price games and barely play them
Hell no especially with the prices now 😂
im very specifc
but there are a very few games i was interested and excited for that end up mid or straight up ass unfortunately, and some of them i didnt finish like Biomutant
but i dont ever buy anything off of a whim
Only time I ever do this is if I’m in between releases I’m actually looking forward to and I don’t feel like replaying/playing anything I currently own.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I always tell myself I'm gonna get back into it eventually but I never do.
A lot of ps2 remasters for me lol they often just don’t stand up to my modern tastes even if I was obsessed with them back in the day
im into more niche games so it’s always a gamble with those lol
Hell no especially with the prices now 😂
fr tho i had to scale it back bc it’s way too expensive
I'll get to some of those eventually. I just play at a slower pace or I don't feel like playing games with a story sometimes.
Never played:
AC Origins
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Dishonored 1, 2
Batman Arkham Knight
Dark Souls 3
Jedi Fallen Order. Game just felt clunky to play and navigation is more confusing than it should be. Will probably get to it after I platinum Bloodborne and finish Titanfall. Taking a lot of space on my PS4
Actually want to play most of the games I bought and never touched, just don't have the time
Never played:
AC Origins
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Dishonored 1, 2
Batman Arkham Knight
Dark Souls 3
Jedi Fallen Order. Game just felt clunky to play and navigation is more confusing than it should be. Will probably get to it after I platinum Bloodborne and finish Titanfall. Taking a lot of space on my PS4
Actually want to play most of the games I bought and never touched, just don't have the time
Dishonoured 1 is excellent
Dishonoured 1 is excellent
Played a bit of it on Xbox 360. I'm not good at the stealth thing and even though the game advertises "Play however you want" it feels like stealth is more rewarded. I kept getting caught and everything just went to s***
I have so many great games waiting to be played. Dark Souls Remastered, Sekiro, Doom + Eternal, Hollow Knight, Divinity OS2 etc
If I'm not interested in buying it day 1 I probably won't ever play it
I did buy Dying Light 2 on sale tho but that game looks so mid I can't do it
just bought a few ps1 games recently despite already having an enormous backlog lol
god knows when ill touch those games
Man almost every damn game in my catalog unfortunately. Don't have an exact count but it's a lot. And some weren't on sale when I bought them. The games just be looking dope as hell, and sometimes they are. Hard to finish most unless it's something I've been waiting on and really hyped about. But now that I think about it, FFxvi was one I was dying to play and I still haven't beat that (on the final boss though I believe) and rebirth too only at the golden saucer before I stopped. Idk lol I suppose I'll get around to them at some point