I bought Assassin’s Creed Origins when I bought my PS4 back in early 2018
I still never played it, and now my Aunt uses my PS4 as a dvd player and I have a digital ps5 lmao
Half of my games are that. Nowadays I don’t allow myself to buy a game until I finish one. I don’t have any more than 3 games in my rotation at a time. If something goes on sale and I haven’t finished my current games then oh well…. It’ll go on sale again later. This has been saving me lots of cash
Never played:
AC Origins
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Dishonored 1, 2
Batman Arkham Knight
Dark Souls 3
Jedi Fallen Order. Game just felt clunky to play and navigation is more confusing than it should be. Will probably get to it after I platinum Bloodborne and finish Titanfall. Taking a lot of space on my PS4
Actually want to play most of the games I bought and never touched, just don't have the time
Fallen order suuuuuuckssss bad
I did buy Dying Light 2 on sale tho but that game looks so mid I can't do it
I bought that game, played an hour and then dropped it. It just did not grab me at all like the first game did
Fallen order suuuuuuckssss bad
Especially coming off Bloodborne, combat and movement just felt so stiff and clunky Got stuck on a planet and had no idea where tf to go because the map is way more confusing than it should be. Copped on PSN because it was cheap but I regret it. Feel like I have to finish it because I paid for it and it's taking hella space on my PS4
Spider-Man Remastered on PS5 is the latest example of this for me. Bought it on sale because I had never played a Spider-Man game, but stopped playing after like 15 minutes because the first combat encounter felt like utter poop. I still have the game so I might give it another shot at some point but the first impression of the combat was very wack.
Down bad with this over 300 games and counting and i never play more than half them s***s lmao
Never played:
AC Origins
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Dishonored 1, 2
Batman Arkham Knight
Dark Souls 3
Jedi Fallen Order. Game just felt clunky to play and navigation is more confusing than it should be. Will probably get to it after I platinum Bloodborne and finish Titanfall. Taking a lot of space on my PS4
Actually want to play most of the games I bought and never touched, just don't have the time
MGS 5 is such a crazy game with replay value, tap in on it crodie
City Skylines
The Witcher 3 (i actually like it, mostly because gwent goes so hard, but I could never stick with it)
Sonic Generations (bought it on steam after beating it 10 years ago, but never tapped in lmao)
Hitman 2
Lmao I bought Legion for $9 a while ago and JUST beat it. I bought Cuphead when it was on sale and put it on the shelf lol
im worse i buy full price games and barely play them
I did in the first year of me having a ps5 until I chilled and realized games go on sale so quick