  • Mar 9, 2022

    Getting paid right now to s***post

    But if things need to get done then it’s back to business

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply
    Dankmustard Mobile

    what certs u studyin for?
    At work right now, but also woke up in the middle of the night and just started, so might stop soon n take a nap

    Salesforce ones

    Might make the switch to networking tho

  • Mar 9, 2022

    RN here, pretty chill day on the unit. Majority of patients are stable, can't complain tbh

    Salute to you

    Y’all tough as f***

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Nah I got a weird schedule

  • Mar 9, 2022

    think he works retail still

    That’ll do it

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Have a lot of time in between stuff to s***post if I want

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I had an interview yesterday and the recruiter didn't show up Going back in for round 2 tomorrow though like a b**** because this job would be perfect and my current job is about to turn so dull with no opportunity to progress or develop whatsoever.

    How do you take time off to go for an interview? you take a sick day?

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9, 2022
    Dankmustard Mobile

    ayy u still sticking it out. Keep applying, you'll get one.

    i hope so man

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    How do you take time off to go for an interview? you take a sick day?

    Yesterday I took the day off because I also had other plans. For tomorrow, I switched shifts with someone else (work in a shift system since this week) to have an earlier slot and I also got 15 hours we can freely use to end a shift earlier next to PTO so I used one of those hours because the interview is at 4 pm. I think pulling a sickie and then having to ask for a reference the next day is just so uhh so I won't be doing that.

    Got moved to another team this week which is bullshit and even my old manager agrees so honestly I'm just trying to seal the new job and walk out of this company laughing. Lot of colleagues got moved too and most already dipped, I'm trying to be next on that train Need to be repercussions for all the f***ery the suits are always pulling.

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Yesterday I took the day off because I also had other plans. For tomorrow, I switched shifts with someone else (work in a shift system since this week) to have an earlier slot and I also got 15 hours we can freely use to end a shift earlier next to PTO so I used one of those hours because the interview is at 4 pm. I think pulling a sickie and then having to ask for a reference the next day is just so uhh so I won't be doing that.

    Got moved to another team this week which is bullshit and even my old manager agrees so honestly I'm just trying to seal the new job and walk out of this company laughing. Lot of colleagues got moved too and most already dipped, I'm trying to be next on that train Need to be repercussions for all the f***ery the suits are always pulling.

    That sounds chill you finessing this s*** properly
    what is your job now and what are you potentially movin on to if you don't mind me asking

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Salesforce ones

    Might make the switch to networking tho

    So is sales force kind of like an IT cert thing?

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    ye everytime i catch myself gettin bored i just remember working retail or hospitality and then i kick my feet up and read a book or watch some yt while getting paid for it

    Yeah bro, I used to work at Target before this, and sure that made the day go faster but being able to relax and not be hounded by leads or guests all day is soooo nice.

    Get to listen to music and chill in my own office all day

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 9, 2022

    Yeah bro, I used to work at Target before this, and sure that made the day go faster but being able to relax and not be hounded by leads or guests all day is soooo nice.

    Get to listen to music and chill in my own office all day

    lmfaooo my previous job before this was seasonal at target and yeah while the day went quicker it's just so much nicer overall chillin in an office, making coffee when i want, listening to chunes, s***posting, etc.

    plus i get some S tier health insurance thru my work so that just s***s all over retail lmfao

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I spend less than 10 hours a week doing actual work and the other 30 on here and browsing the web.

    S***s nice and relaxing, everyone loves the work I do, always do priority tasks, but s*** is mad boring.

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Literally on a Teams call rn but I’m wfh browsing KTT

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    work isn’t the word id use to describe what im doing but yes im being paid to be in my office rn

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Literally on a Teams call rn but I’m wfh browsing KTT

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    work isn’t the word id use to describe what im doing but yes im being paid to be in my office rn

    reported to HR

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Literally doing nothing at work today except play on my phone

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    That sounds chill you finessing this s*** properly
    what is your job now and what are you potentially movin on to if you don't mind me asking

    I'm in insurance and basically started in roadside assistance insurance at HQ for one of the biggest insurers in my country. Pretty much single handedly got rid of the backlog they had built up for this product and then they put me in training for car insurance and I helped there for the most part. After a while travel insurance was also something they had me doing as I grew comfortable with all these products while also the high priority files of clients because I knew the products well. Option to WFH & choose my own hours so I'd be chilling with the music on once I knew how all my products worked.

    Basically the most interesting part about this job to me is the more complex stuff where people got really specific questions because then you gotta dig deep. Or colleagues of the front offices that call you with questions they can't solve.

    But as an attempt to improve productivity, they introduced these teams where flexibility and multiproduct knowledge is key, to quickly adapt to wherever demand is rapidly increasing (e.g. there's storms, a lot of people will have questions for their fire insurance). But the kicker is the questions of course stay reserved for the back office team. So these new teams just need to know how to do the most basic, mundane things for every product so the back office team can focus on the more complex questions. And the new teams also got to act as a pseudo call center to pick up overflow from the call center, so half my day now is just sending people their bill they lost or calculating the premiums if they choose to cut down on their insurance. As honest as any other job, but immensely dull while also losing my flexible hours and option to listen to music. I could also outperform my whole team, but there's no chance I'd be getting any extra responsibilities or more interesting work.

    New job I'm applying for should be more in tune with the job I was initially doing when I started working, but for car insurance only.

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I am. About to have a meeting, tired af. In person meetings soon

  • Mar 9, 2022

    reported to HR

    already put in my two weeks lol

  • Kengi 💭
    Mar 9, 2022

    im at home vibin

  • Mar 9, 2022

    yall niggas hiring?

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    I'm in insurance and basically started in roadside assistance insurance at HQ for one of the biggest insurers in my country. Pretty much single handedly got rid of the backlog they had built up for this product and then they put me in training for car insurance and I helped there for the most part. After a while travel insurance was also something they had me doing as I grew comfortable with all these products while also the high priority files of clients because I knew the products well. Option to WFH & choose my own hours so I'd be chilling with the music on once I knew how all my products worked.

    Basically the most interesting part about this job to me is the more complex stuff where people got really specific questions because then you gotta dig deep. Or colleagues of the front offices that call you with questions they can't solve.

    But as an attempt to improve productivity, they introduced these teams where flexibility and multiproduct knowledge is key, to quickly adapt to wherever demand is rapidly increasing (e.g. there's storms, a lot of people will have questions for their fire insurance). But the kicker is the questions of course stay reserved for the back office team. So these new teams just need to know how to do the most basic, mundane things for every product so the back office team can focus on the more complex questions. And the new teams also got to act as a pseudo call center to pick up overflow from the call center, so half my day now is just sending people their bill they lost or calculating the premiums if they choose to cut down on their insurance. As honest as any other job, but immensely dull while also losing my flexible hours and option to listen to music. I could also outperform my whole team, but there's no chance I'd be getting any extra responsibilities or more interesting work.

    New job I'm applying for should be more in tune with the job I was initially doing when I started working, but for car insurance only.

    Oh damn that's wild they definitely working you to the bone now and your job seemed like it has changed up quite a big,

    hope this new job works out for you homie good luck