  • Mar 9, 2022

    Why else would I be posting on ktt2

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Oh damn that's wild they definitely working you to the bone now and your job seemed like it has changed up quite a big,

    hope this new job works out for you homie good luck

    Appreciate it. I just do my hours and clock out so I liked the responsibility and different products because that kept it interesting. Combine that with being able to listen to music and choosing my own hours and baby we had a stew going But alas, they took it all. Good luck on your job hunt too If you ever want any pointers, feel free to contact me.

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I’m constantly posting on KTT while at work, never stop looking at my phone. I’m a door dash driver btw

  • Mar 9, 2022


  • Me smfh

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    wfh rn
    job is brutal going so i've been applying to other places everyweekend but haven't gotten a call back smh

    Did you just shorten working from home

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Whats got you heated?

    Corporate MOs got me on the edge daily

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I'm an auditor and part of the day involves listening to calls that are on hold... stop f***ing while y'all on hold niggas. Don't talk about touching no little kids, cause then I have to get in touch with the feds and s***, and hella paperwork, plus it's disgusting and you're sick. And not die while you're on hold...KTT keeps me from thinking about work while I'm doing this s*** so shoutout to y'all 😂😂

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I pop in here between meetings some days. F*** it, I work remote at a company with people in both Romania and Hawaii and everywhere in between, so my days are long as f*** with plenty of breaks in between

    I might have direct reports later this year, though, which… might f*** up my routine a bit lol

  • at work and got the itis, thankfully only an hour left im sleepy as hell

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Did you just shorten working from home

    this has been a thing

  • Mar 9, 2022

    13 minutes left

  • eclass ⛓️
    Mar 9, 2022

    I’m at work 22 hrs a day

  • Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    yuh at work rn

    office to myself for the first two hours so i brew a cuppa, and do some exercises, PT stuff with resistance bands and bodyweight stuff while listening to jazz and s***posting

    prolly take like 6 bathroom breaks I drink a lot of water. i snack on really spicy snacks to force myself to drink water, it's like a cheat code.

    n i got my own office, email on one monitor, work stuff on the other, and all my personal stuff, ktt, reddit, budget, email, pocket, youtube, etc on the main one

    its mad nice, i do excellent work and constantly get praise for it, but if I'm honest it's like a 10-15hr a week job that i get paid 40 for. i'd love to move to wfh but I have to handle sensitive client files that are all hard copy, and they can't go off-site. so it is what it is

    whats kinda company you work for?

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply
    fun guy

    whats kinda company you work for?

    homeless shelter

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    homeless shelter

    whats your job? case manager?

  • Mar 9, 2022

    on break lol

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    whats your job? case manager?

    nah, data program manager. the case managers do the real work. we have to track our clients in an online database to meet federal funding standards, so that's my s***. its like glorified data entry, generating reports, sending them out to the relevant parties, etc real behind the scenes stuff. but we consistently run the tightest shelters in the state, real clean stuff with a very high accuracy on the data side of things.

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9, 2022
    1 reply

    nah, data program manager. the case managers do the real work. we have to track our clients in an online database to meet federal funding standards, so that's my s***. its like glorified data entry, generating reports, sending them out to the relevant parties, etc real behind the scenes stuff. but we consistently run the tightest shelters in the state, real clean stuff with a very high accuracy on the data side of things.

    oh nice seems like you got a solid gig going plus it's meaningful

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 9, 2022

    oh nice seems like you got a solid gig going plus it's meaningful

    Yeah exactly. Somehow landed myself in a perfect position, I really value my peace of mind and free time so I don't have any desires to move up in the organization or to look for another job. I see what program directors have to deal with and the money they make and it just isn't worth it to me. And like you mentioned, it feels meaningful in ways most jobs don't.

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Like 2.

    But there was this one week I was in the bathroom all day every day. Some of yall may remember

  • Mar 9, 2022

    Data collection thread so op knows who's currently at lids rn

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I spend less than 10 hours a week doing actual work and the other 30 on here and browsing the web.

    S***s nice and relaxing, everyone loves the work I do, always do priority tasks, but s*** is mad boring.

    same. any time i feel guilty about I just remember that 85% of people that also work office jobs are doing the same s*** at any given moment

  • when i was working (2019) i was a mailman and just sat on my phone every change i got cause the job was super mindless and half my route was apartments so it was impossible to tell i was doing anything other than my job by mgmt through all their spying bullshit

  • Mar 9, 2022

    I’m the boss I’m always working its sick