  • Jun 4, 2021

    some overnight suspensions mostly in elementary and middle school
    i had a week suspension in elementary over some s*** that i cant remember
    got expelled in the 1st grade for fighting and wildin out all the time

  • Jun 4, 2021

    had ISS once in like ninth grade

  • Jun 4, 2021


  • Jun 4, 2021

    need a jail sxn only banned and suspected users can use

    thay would get out of control quick. everyone would wanna be banned

  • Jun 4, 2021

    your school probably thought you/you did had a disability tbh

    if they let u get away wit that many times

    😭 nah it was cause i had good grades and non of them were violent

  • Jun 4, 2021
    Jim Halpert

    yeah "look at this man keeping up with his s*** and minding his business"

    Shut up nerd

  • Jun 4, 2021


    Had one in school suspension cause I overslept and was late

  • Once and at the wrong time.

  • Jun 5, 2021

    i somehow evaded suspension and getting expelled so zero lol

  • Jun 5, 2021

    its a miracle it was only once i did so much s*** in that school

  • Jun 5, 2021

    i almost got suspended so many times in middle school but never did in high school not even close (was lucky to have decent teachers who didn't give af about minor s***)

    most of my friends was getting iss what it seemed like once a month tho and then getting sent to alternative school lmao

  • Jun 5, 2021

    I did twice. One in grade 2 for running down the hallway with a stick and one in grade 10 for hitting a dab pen in the bathroom

  • Jun 5, 2021

    i def would have been expelled tho if teachers snitched on me one time i was so f***ing high i couldn't stand up and was hitting walls lmao

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    0 suspensions

    0 detentions

    0 phone calls/notes home

    It ain’t hard to not be a douche lmao

  • I got suspended so many times in high school I lost count. It’s like every other week I was suspended. And then my senior year they added a rule that if you’re late to more than 2 classes in a school day that’s an automatic 1 day suspension. Which I understood but at the same time you know some folk took advantage to get that day out.

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Jim Halpert

    I mean zero

    I’m not an idiot. Or an a******

    Getting suspended doesn’t make you an idiot or a****** there’s a lot of factors that go into it. You gotta understand some folk are ultra hyper, some get messed with for hanging around certain people so you gotta keep fighting often, and it’s not like everyone can just use someone’s address and go to a better school. Behavioral issues are deeper than someone being an idiot or a******.

  • Jun 5, 2021

    0 suspensions

    0 detentions

    0 phone calls/notes home

    It ain’t hard to not be a douche lmao

    F*** you, I got suspended for defending myself and standing up to bullies

    Suspension can sometimes mean the jaded adults at your school have no sense of right and wrong and only know how to deal in punishments and paperwork

  • Jun 5, 2021

    S*** man cant even count
    Id still show up too

  • Jun 5, 2021

    f*** school

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Jim Halpert

    I mean zero

    I’m not an idiot. Or an a******

    This comment proves you are though, because people constantly get suspended over bullshit that isn’t their fault. You don’t have the empathy to imagine that a lot of people are treated unfairly by people in positions of power, causing unjust suspension and expulsion all the time. Especially teachers and principles who have boring jobs and are trained to punish instead of understanding

  • Jun 5, 2021

    I jus wanna see who a menance to society rq it could explain posting someone habits

    If you got over 16+ From grade school that’s the criteria, mines personally is 12 from elementary to high school

    They knew better than to kick my ass out, I never went, they did send me to court in middle school tho

  • Jun 5, 2021

    Once in elementary school for fighting.

    Once in middle school over a stink bomb but they let me come back early.

    Twice in 9th grade for fighting.

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    This comment proves you are though, because people constantly get suspended over bullshit that isn’t their fault. You don’t have the empathy to imagine that a lot of people are treated unfairly by people in positions of power, causing unjust suspension and expulsion all the time. Especially teachers and principles who have boring jobs and are trained to punish instead of understanding

    Maybe my school experience was different than yours.

    I went to a school where teachers and admin met you where you are. And most schools and educators are like that

    It is really really hard to get kicked out of a school. I mean really hard. You have to do a lot of s***

  • Jun 5, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Getting suspended doesn’t make you an idiot or a****** there’s a lot of factors that go into it. You gotta understand some folk are ultra hyper, some get messed with for hanging around certain people so you gotta keep fighting often, and it’s not like everyone can just use someone’s address and go to a better school. Behavioral issues are deeper than someone being an idiot or a******.

    True. But most teachers and admin understand that stuff.
